Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Other Courses

  • BA 4000 - Leadership Capstone Experience 0 F, SP, SU

    To complete the Business Leadership Certificate enroll in this course during your last semester prior to graduation. Requires approval from COB Dean and will require a Leadership Capstone presentation to the business faculty.

  • IUE 301V - Integrated Micro Economics 1-3 F, SP

    Basic economic principles in the context of modern society and business, including scarcity and the allocation of resources, supply and demand, the American economy, the global economy, market structures and resource markets.  This course is delivered as a part of an integrated undergraduate program.

  • IUE 302V - Integrated Managerial Accounting 1-3 F, SP

    This course introduces managerial accounting topics relevant to internal decision makers. Topics include cost-volume-profit analysis, job order costing, variable costing, short-term decision-making, activity-based costing, operational budgeting, introduction to capital budgeting, analysis of financial statements and reporting of cash flows. The course is taught from the perspective of a user of financial information.  This course is delivered as a part of an integrated undergraduate program.

  • IUE 303V - Integrated Enterprise Systems and Analytics 1-3 F, SP

    In this course, students explore the role of enterprise resource planning and business analytics within and between organizations. Students learn to analyze and improve cross-functional business processes. Emphasis is place on the use of ERP systems to integrate processes across marketing, finance/accounting, operations and HR management. Students also learn to visualize business performance measures and mine large datasets for actionable information. This course is delivered as a part of an integrated undergraduate program.


  • IUE 304V - Integrated Operations and Supply Chain Management 1-3

    This course is a survey of operations and supply chain management that relates to both service and manufacturing organizations. The course focuses on four core areas: strategy, process management, supply chain management and supply and demand planning. Additional topics include ethical behavior, forecasting, product and service design, innovation and sustainability, lean operations, quality assurance, global supply chains, and the impacts of technology. Students will use management science techniques in solving problems. This course is delivered as a part of an integrated undergraduate program.

  • IUE 305V - Integrated Legal Aspects of Business 1-3 F, SP

    History of legal development, organization of courts and administrative agencies and legal principles involved in the law of agency, including: bailment, bankruptcy, carriers, contracts, corporations, commercial paper, creditor rights, property, mortgages and liens, insurance, partnerships, sales, crimes, torts, trusts and estates.  This course is delivered as a part of an integrated undergraduate program.

  • IUE 306V - Integrated Business Ethics 1-3 F, SP

    Explores individual and collective ethical decision making styles and the corporation as a social moral agent. It is conducted in a seminar style using cross-functional cases from core business disciplines.  This course is delivered as a part of an integrated undergraduate program.

  • IUE 307V - Integrated Finance 1-3 F, SP

    A study of risk and return relationships, time value of money, capital budgeting, analysis of financial statements, and working capital management.  This course is delivered as a part of an integrated undergraduate program.

  • IUE 308V - Integrated Business Communications 1-3

    A study of the process of human communication as a basis for managing organizations. Topics include business writing, report writing, the job-search process, writing for effect and technology-enabled communication.  This course is delivered as a part of an integrated undergraduate program.

  • TH 2011 - Contemporary Plays (1)

    In this course, students will study contemporary plays, particularly those written within the last 30 years.  The plays cover a wide range of topics, cultures, and themes. The overall intention is to increase theatrical literacy and awareness, as well as analytical skills regarding the intersections of content and play form. 

  • TH 2021 - Contemporary Musicals (1) F, odd years

    In this course, students will study contemporary American musicals, particularly those written in the last 25 years. The musicals cover a wide range of topics, cultures, and themes. The overally intention is to increase theatrical literacy and awareness, as well as analytical skills regarding the intersections of content and musical form.

  • TH 2103 - Dance Composition (3) F, even-numbered years

    Dance Composition introduces students to the basic elements of compositional techniques: theme, symmetry and asymmetry, development of movement phrases, elements imposed by working with more than one dancer, use of space and dynamics.

  • TH 3143 - Dancy History (3)

    In this course, students will the history of various dance forms, including but not limited to: ballet, jazz, tap, and modern dance. Students will study the development of dance, innovations of the craft, and key choreographers and influencers. The course will also examine critical theory and the intersections of cultural and performance. 

  • TH 3153 - Musical Theatre Scene Study

    This course is designed for advanced musical theatre students seeking to bring together acting, music, and movement techniques in order to bring characters to life onstage.  The course will focus on musicals from the 20th-21st centuries.

  • TH 3163 - Audition Technique (3)

    This course serves as a practical guide for performance students seeking to audition in the post-graduate and professional world of theatre.

  • TH 4903 - Theatre in New York (3) W

    This capstone course requires a week-long excursion to New York City, the world’s theatre capitol. BFA students will view Broadway and Off-Broadway productions, read and discuss critical texts, and execute a specified performance or interview-focused workshop that will give them critical experience and important networking connections.

Accounting Courses

  • AC 2503 - Financial Accounting (3) F, SP, SU

    The basic introduction to generally accepted accounting principles, covering fundamentals of financial statement preparation based on a user’s perspective, financial reporting aspects of cash, receivables, inventories, current and long-term liabilities, equity, partnerships corporations and international transactions. The course should be taken at the sophomore level.

  • AC 2513 - Managerial Accounting (3) F, SP, SU

    The second semester of the first-year accounting sequence, introducing managerial accounting topics relevant to internal decision makers. Topics include cost-volume-profit analysis, job order costing, variable costing, short-term decision-making, activity-based costing, operational budgeting, introduction to capital budgeting, analysis of financial statements and reporting of cash flows. The course is taught from the perspective of a user of financial information.

    Prerequisite: AC 2503 .
  • AC 3503 - Intermediate Accounting I (3) F, SP

    CAP (4) An in-depth examination of generally accepted accounting principles for the external decision maker. An analytical review of the measurement and reporting of financial information, and includes topics such as the conceptual framework of accounting principles, income statement, balance sheet, time value of money, cash and receivables, inventories, fixed assets, depreciation, and intangible assets. This course is normally taken in the junior year following Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting, and is the first of two semesters of Intermediate Accounting required of all accounting majors.

    Prerequisite: AC 2513 , with a “C” or above in both AC 2503  and AC 2513 .
  • AC 3513 - Intermediate Accounting II (3) F, SP

    The second Intermediate Accounting course in a two-course sequence. Topics include investments, current and long-term liabilities, stockholders’ equity, dilutive securities, income taxes, pension and post-retirement benefits share-based compensation, earnings per share, revenue recognition, accounting changes and errors, and the statement of cash flows.

    AC 3503 , with a “C” or above.
  • AC 3563 - Cost Accounting (3) F-Night

    A study of accounting practices relating to internal product costing and evaluation of profitability. Topics include job order, process, and standard cost systems, break-even analysis, variances, activity-based costing, cash flow analysis and use of ratios.

    Prerequisite: AC 2513  with a grade of “C” or above.
  • AC 3573 - Federal Income Taxation (3) F-Day, SP-Night

    A study of income tax laws relating to the individual taxpayer.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing.
  • AC 3803 - U.S. Business, Culture, and Travel to [insert destination] (3)

    This course provides the opportunity to travel to major business centers in the United States, gaining exposure to a business environment not present in Middle Tennessee. Attention will be given to various business segments, trends, governing/advising bodies, cultural influences, political issues, financial disclosures specifically relevant to a large corporation, corporate governance issues, importance of internal control processes and internal auditing, the independent audit examination of a large corporation, marketing and service strategies, management approaches and other factors impacting business decision-making. Domestic trip participation is required.

  • AC 4113 - Principles of Auditing (3) F-Night, SP-Day

    A comprehensive review of the attest function as performed by independent public accounting firms. Includes a study of the auditing environment, generally accepted auditing standards, ethics and internal controls. Strong emphasis is placed on the student’s ability to communicate across all mediums.

    Prerequisite: AC 3503  with a grade of “C” or above.
  • AC 4663 - Professional Certification Program (3) F, SP, SU

    Examination of accounting standards and procedures required for professional accounting certification. Instructor approval required.

    Prerequisite: Eligibility to sit for the CPA Examination during enrollment in the course.
    A separate course fee is required to cover the cost of the review program and materials.
  • AC 4789 - Integrated Accounting Seminar (Accounting Boot Camp)

    This 9-hour prerequisite course is designed exclusively for degreed non-accounting students seeking to enter the M.Acc. program, and includes portions of Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting, Taxation, and Auditing.

  • AC 4803 - Global Business, Culture, and Travel to [insert destination] (3)

    This course gives learners international business exposure and a unique cultural experience with an opportunity to encounter first-hand a global business environment including various business segments, trends, governing/advising bodies, cultural influences, political issues, consequences of exchange rate fluctuations, examination of financial statements prepared under international accounting standards, comparison of financial reporting disclosures between U.S. GAAP rules and international accounting standards, marketing and service strategies, management approaches, and other factors impacting the transaction of business in the chosen destination. International trip participation is required.

Special Topics/Independent Research in Accounting Courses

  • AC 390V - Internship in Accounting (1-10) F, SP, SU

    Prerequisite: Permission of professor in charge and department chairman and junior or senior standing.
    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement. The VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program may be an excellent option for this course.
    Repeatable for up to six hours, but only if a different experience from first internship.
  • AC 401V - Independent Study in Accounting (1-3) F, SP, SU

    Independent research of primary and secondary data in a selected topic; topic title to be approved by major professor and academic chair; paper to be kept on file.

    Prerequisite: advanced standing, proven research ability and approval of academic chair.
    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.
    Repeatable for a maximum of six hours.

Animation Courses

  • AM 1113 - 2D Character Animation I (3) F

    Introduction to the core, 12 principles of animation as created by the Disney Animation Masters. Students will learn drawing, acting, and movement observational skills through exercises in 2D traditional animation.

    Prerequite: AR 1063  
    Studio fee: $50
  • AM 1123 - 2D Character Animation II (3) SP

    Building on the fundamentals learned in 2D Animation I, this class will introduce students to more advanced performance animation exercises. This class will include introductions to pantomime character performances, lip-sync (dialogue) animation techniques, and “tra-digital” vector based pipelines.

    Prerequite: AM 1113  
    Studio fee: $50
  • AM 1213 - Character Design I (3) F

    This course is an introduction to the process of designing characters for film, television, Web, and video games. This class will analyze and use the process of “shape-based” character design and what makes a character strong and appealing. Personality, posing, and acting will also be discussed to achieve optimum results.

  • AM 1223 - Character Design II (3) SP

    Building of off Character Design I, this class will delve further into creating a “cast” of characters for a film, television, Web or video game project. Different styles will be analyzed and an emphasis will be placed on turn sheets, expression model sheets and final color models of characters for the student’s CG modeling and short animation thesis project.

    Prerequite: AM 1213  
  • AM 2013 - Action Analysis I (3) F, SP

    Students will learn the mechanics behind human and animal locomotion, which is core knowledge to any character animation performance. Live models and film clips will be used in class for students to sketch and analyze.

    Prerequite: AR 1063  
    Studio fee: $50
  • AM 2413 - History of Animation (3) F

    This course is a survey of the history of American animation. It examines technological, conceptual, and aesthetic landmarks from the early 20th century to the present. Students will create small projects as well as written assignments pertaining to course topics.

  • AM 2513 - Storyboarding for Animation I (3) F

    This course introduces students to storytelling using sequential visuals. Film, shot, and cutting theory will be discussed. Assignments are designed to teach students screen design and pacing.

    Prerequite: AM 1113  
  • AM 2523 - Storyboarding for Animation II (3) SP

    Through individual approaches and expression in traditional and digital media, students will practice visual communication by juxtaposing and sequencing imagery to tell a story. The course culminates with finished storyboards for the Senior Thesis short film.

    Prerequite: AR 2513  
  • AM 2613 - Drawing for Animation I (3) F

    This course is designed to instruct students in visual development artwork. The focus will be on the exploration of ideas and the generation of characters, environments and design applications. Students are introduced to the elements of gesture, composition, staging, concept development, color and spatial relationships.

    Prerequite: AM 1113  
  • AM 2623 - Drawing for Animation II (3) SP

    This course focuses on advanced study in descriptive design. Students will be expected to advance skills in character and environment design as they relate to story lines. Key elements will be the advancement of craftsmanship and conceptual skills that will be applied to the senior thesis.

    Prerequite: AM 2613  
  • AM 2713 - Concept Development (3) F, SP

    Introduction to concept development processes. The course explores techniques for creating ideas for effective animation including research, analysis, brainstorming and improvisational techniques. Material created in this class is meant to form elements for subsequent conceptual work.

    Prerequite: AM 1113   and FD 1213  
  • AM 3013 - CG Modeling and Lighting I (3) F

    This course explores the principles of model building, rigging, color and lighting as applied to a series of stylized and anatomical characters. Students explore tools and apply them to various problems to find modeling and rigging solutions.

    Prerequite: AM 1223  
  • AM 3033 - CG Modeling and Lighting II (3) SP

    Further development of skills in model building, rigging, color and lighting. Concentration will be focused towards final CG character models for the senior thesis short film.

    Prerequite: AM 3013  
  • AM 3413 - History of Animation II (3) SP

    This course focuses on the history and aesthetics of animation with references to related arts such as cinema, puppetry and comics. Screenings include a wide range of commercial and experimental work produced globally over the past century. Students create small projects and written work pertaining to course topics.

    Prerequite: AM 2413  
  • AM 4012 - Animation Capstone I (2) F, SP

    This course is designed to allow students continued time to develop and process their senior thesis short film. Students should begin this course having already developed storyboards and models. This course is primarily for the animation phase.

  • AM 4713 - Computer Animation I (3) F

    Beginning with a brief overview of Disney’s 12 Fundamental Rules of 2D Animation, students are introduced to 3D animation using MAYA software. Emphasis is on character performance, weight, posing and character mechanics. Students will be asked to develop ideas using traditional 2D methods before each 3D project.

    Prerequite: AM 3013  
  • AM 4723 - Computer Animation II (3) SP

    This course is a continued study in principles of computer animation using MAYA animation software. Students will have the option of initiating the development of their senior thesis short film.

    Prerequite: AM 3033  , AM 4713  
  • AM 4733 - Computer Animation III (3) F

    This course is a continued study in principles of computer animation using MAYA animation software. Students will have the option of initiating the development of their senior thesis short film.

    Prerequite: AM 3033  , AM 4723  
  • AM 4743 - Computer Animation IV (3) SP

    This course is a continued study in principles of computer animation using MAYA animation software. Students will need to begin development of their senior thesis short film.

    Prerequite: AM 3033  , AM 4733  
  • AM 4822 - Animation Capstone II (2) F, SP

    The course represents the final phase of the senior project and career preparation. Students focus on the postproduction of their senior thesis short film including final editing and rendering, reel updates, self-promotional support opportunities such as competitions and film/animation festivals.

    Prerequite: AM 4012  

Art Courses

  • AR 1033 - Foundation Studio I (3) F

    This course is the first in a sequence of foundational exploration where students are initiated into the process of art making. Both 2D and 3D principles and elements are implemented. Students will also be given the opportunity to utilize traditional and non-traditional tools and materials. Studio courses meets six hours each week.

    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 1043 - Foundation Studio II (3) SP

    This course is the second in a sequence of foundations explorations where students cultivate creativity and craftsmanship within a variety of chosen media forms. This course advances the use of design principles and elements in both 2D and 3D formats. Studio course meets six hours each week.

    Prerequisite: AR 1033 .
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 1053 - Foundation Studio III (3) F

    This course is the third in the sequence of foundational explorations. Students will have, by now, advanced in both 2D and 3D art making and will be required to present a portfolio of work for review at the end of the semester.

    Prerequisites: AR 1043, AR 1213, AR 1513, AR 1723
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 1063 - Figure Drawing (3) F

    This course introduces students to the fundamentals of drawing the human form from observation. Students will use a variety of drawing media as they learn the basics of line, gesture, and form pertaining to the specifics of the human figure. This course meets 6 hours per week.

    Studio fee: $100. This fee is higher due to the requirement of hiring models for each class session.
  • AR 1213 - Color Theory (3) F, SP

    Color Theory explores both the practical and conceptual applications of color as it relates to visual art and design. This course is a foundations course and must be taken during either the first or second semester of the students freshman year.

    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 1513 - Conceptualization and Presentation (3) F, SP

    This is a foundation course with emphasis on concept, visual language, and content within the context of art making. It includes studies in areas such as preconceptions, value systems, visual semantics, art criticism and analysis of visual culture. This course must be taken in either the students first or second semester of the freshman year.

    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 1723 - New Media Studio (3) F, SP

    This foundations course sets to explore new forms of media including video, performance, and digital photography and design. Students will be lead through both historical and contemporary applications to gain a better understanding of how non-traditional forms of media are put into practice by artists, filmmakers and designers. This course must be taken within the first two semesters of the freshman year.

    Studio fee: $25
  • AR 2213 - Fundamentals of Ceramics (3) Offered on demand

    This course introduces students to hand-built clay objects and the various processes and tools associated with creating these forms. Historical and contemporary overview of ceramics are provided. Studio course meets six hours each week.

    Prerequisites: AR 1043
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 2223 - Intermediate Ceramics (3) Offered on demand

    This course builds off the learning from Fundamentals of Ceramics and further explores processes and techniques. This course meets 6 hours per week.

    Prerequisites: AR 2213  
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 2233 - Fundamentals of Sculpture (3) F

    This introductory course trains students traditional and contemporary 3D design techniques. Students will explore various processes such as stone carving, woodworking and welding. This studio course meets 6 hours per week.

    Prerequisites: AR 1043 and AR 1513
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 2253 - Fundamentals of Printmaking (3) F

    This is an introductory course in learning the foundational processes of printmaking, stressing basic techniques in relief, intaglio, and screen printing.

    Prerequisites: AR 1043 and AR 1213
    Studio fee: $75
  • AR 2263 - Intermediate Printmaking (3) SP

    This course expands the printmaking processes learned in Fundamentals of Printmaking by investigating alternative approaches to traditional techniques. This course meets 6 hours per week.

    Prerequisite: AR 2253 .
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 2313 - Fundamentals of Photography (3) F, SP

    This is the introductory course in basic studio practice digital photography covering basic principles, use of the camera, and digital image processing and printing techniques. This course emphasizes photography as a fine art stressing visual awareness and craftsmanship. Digital SLR camera required.

    Prerequisite: AR 1723
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 2323 - Intermediate/Advanced Photography (3) SP

    This course is a continuation of Fundamentals of Photography that expands upon alternative approaches in digital photography. A Digital SLR camera is required.

    Prerequisite: AR 2313 .
    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.
    Repeatable one time.
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 2513 - History of Graphic Design (3) SP

    This lecture course explores the history of applied arts and its evolution into graphic design in the 20th century.

  • AR 2613 - Fundamentals of Painting (3) F

    This course introduces students to the processes and techniques of painting with oil-based media. Students will learn the fundamentals of paint application while also learning how to build a canvas substrate and canvas stretching. This course meets 6 hours per week.

    Prerequisites: AR 1043 and AR 1213
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 3113 - Advanced Printmaking (3) Offered on demand

    This course challenges students to explore alternative printmaking methods. This course meets 6 hours per week.

    Prerequisite: AR 2263 .
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 3123 - Creative Design for the Web (3) Offered on demand

    This course applies the fundamentals of graphic design practice and theory to web design. Students will learn the fundamentals on how design and coding are applied to solving problems for clients. This course meets 6 hours per week.

    Prerequisites: AR 3713
    Studio fee: $75
  • AR 3133 - Art Theory (3) SP

    This course provides exposure to seminal authors and their work of art theory, beginning with Plato’s Republic through contemporary theoretical ideas. Students gain a broad understanding of key concepts from selected readings.

  • AR 3503 - Methods of Teaching Visual Arts (3) Offered on demand

    This course teaches methodology in secondary art curriculum, such as developing and leading art experiences, developing lesson plans, and understanding theories of art criticism. Field experience is required.

  • AR 3513 - Art for Children (3) F, SP

    This course examines concepts, practices, curriculum integration and issues in discipline-based art education. Emphasis on ways of stimulating, guiding and evaluating art learning experiences for children.

  • AR 3623 - Intermediate Painting (3) SP

    This course expands the knowledge base gained from Fundamentals of Painting. Students will explores various modalities and alternative media such as acrylics, gouache, and other varieties of materials. This course meets 6 hours per week.

    Prerequisite: AR 2613 .
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 3713 - Foundations in Graphic Design (3) F, SP

    This course emphasizes visual literacy in graphic design. Students will gain the ability to decipher successful from unsuccessful implementation of the visual elements of design by solving graphic design problems. Students will also apply the fundamentals of visual literacy in design to current industry software. This course meets 6 hours per week.

    Prerequisites: AR 1033 and AR 1723
    AR 3723
    Studio fee: $75
  • AR 3723 - Typography (3) F, SP

    This course covers the anatomy of type, the identification of fonts by their respective class and family, and the successful and unsuccessful use of type. Each assignment will be directed toward understand methods of communication through letterforms, while negotiating the semantics found between letterforms and their context. This course meets 6 hours per week.

    Prerequisite: AR 1723
    Corequisite: AR 3713
    Studio fee: $75
  • AR 3733 - Trademarks and Identity Systems (3) F

    This course looks at the history, development, and theory of logo design and identity systems. Students complete projects designed to concentrate on logos, trademarks, identity systems, and branding campaigns. This course meets 6 hours per week.

    Prerequisites: AR 3713 and AR 3723
    This course may satisfy the SALT II Tier requirement.
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 3763 - Packaging Design (3) Offered on demand

    This course focuses on the application of graphic design to simultaneously occupied 2-d/3-d world of product packaging. Projects will be designed and printed to exist in 3-dimensions. Packaging problem solving, project requirements and building applications will be presented through hands-on training in the development of product packaging.

    Prerequisite: AR 3773 . Studio course meets six hours each week.
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 3773 - Designing from the Grid (3) F, SP

    This course is a thorough introduction to the grid as an organizing element in graphic design, including its history and uses. The learner will focus on creating grids for print and web.

    Prerequisite: AR 3713 . Studio course meets six hours each week.
    Studio fee: $75
  • AR 3913 - Advanced Typography (3) SP

    This course is a continuation of Art 3723 Typography, with a focus on more advanced projects. This course covers the anatomy of type, the identification of fonts by their respective class and family, and the successful and unsuccessful use of type. Each assignment will be directed toward understand methods of communication through letterforms, while negotiating the semantics found between letterforms and their context.

    Prerequisite: AR 3723 . Studio course meets six hours each week.
    Studio fee: $75
  • AR 4213 - Advanced Painting (3) Offered on demand

    This course is an exploration in contemporary painting practices. Pre-conceived notions of painting are challenged in contemporary art. The student gains familiarity with creative painting techniques, concepts and emphasizes its criticality and contemporaneous aspects.

    Prerequisite: AR 3623 . Studio course meets six hours each week.
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 4813 - Survey of History of Art I (3) F

    This course presents an intensive study of the artistic periods from the Prehistoric Age to the Gothic Era. Strong emphasis is placed on the student’s ability to approach art through oral and written components as well as critical thinking.

  • AR 4823 - Survey of History of Art II (3) SP

    This course presents an intensive study of the artistic periods from the Renaissance to the 20th century.

  • AR 4843 - Art Since 1940 (3) SP

    This course presents an intensive study of the artistic periods from 1940 to contemporary times. Art is stylistically and contextually analyzed with particular attention given to critical theories and history pertaining to the works of art.

  • AR 4912 - Capstone: Portfolio Development and Portfolio Review (2) F, SP

    Required of B.F.A. in Graphic Design majors during their last semester. Presentation to and approval by an adjudicating committee composed of full and adjunct professors in the Department of Art is required. This presentation includes work from previous courses, influences and directions for future growth as well as a concise agenda for the Capstone.

    Prerequisite: All required and additional courses for the B.F.A. in Graphic Design.
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 4932 - Capstone: Professional Studio Practices and Senior Exhibition (2) F, SP

    Required of B.F.A. in Studio Art majors during their last semester. Presentation to and approval by an adjudicating committee composed of full and adjunct professors in the Department of Art is required. This presentation includes work from previous courses, influences and directions for future growth as well as a concise agenda for the Capstone.

    Prerequisite: All required and additional courses for the B.F.A. in Studio Art.
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 4933 - Christianity in the Visual Arts (3) F, SP

    This course explores the history of Christian imagery, its changing role in the context of worship, and its place in the contemporary art scene.

  • AR 4943 - Graphic Design Firm (3) F, SP

    This is the final required studio course for graphic design majors. This class focuses on professional best practices, business structure, and client best practices. If live client projects are involved, the class structure will mimic that of a real design firm, with the professor acting as art director and the students taking on the role of production designers. SALT credit course.

    Prerequisites: AR 3713 , AR 3723 , AR 3733 , AR 3773 , AR 3913 . Studio course meets six hours each week.
    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.
    Studio fee: $75.

Special Topics/Independent Research in Art Courses

  • AR 401V - Independent Study I (1-3) F, SP, SU

    Granted on a case by case basis, independent studies allow students to deepen their knowledge on a specified topic or discipline. Students seeking an independent study must submit a proposal to an overseeing faculty member before the study can be granted. Depending on the commitment of the student the course is worth 1-3 hours credit.

    Prerequisites: Visual Art Foundations Core
  • AR 419V - Special Topics in Art (1-3) Offered on demand

    Special Topics are courses designed by the faculty to be specialized towards any given topic within the disciplines of art and design. Depending on the topic, a course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.

    Prerequisites: AR 1033 and AR 1043
    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.
    Studio length courses will be assessed a $75 lab fee.
  • AR 431V - Advanced Studio (3,6) Offered on demand

    This course emphasizes portfolio development and self-directed studio practice. Students develop a body of work for their senior exhibition and professional portfolio. Junior and Senior level students are allowed to take this course up to two times but not in the same semester.

    Prerequisites: Visual Art Foundations Core and Junior standing.
    Studio fee: $75.
  • AR 480V - Art Travel (1-3) F, SP, SU Offered on demand

    Students studying abroad may choose to take this course as an independent study. Students must be granted approval by the department chair and a proposal of topic of study must be submitted prior to departure.

    Prerequisites: Visual Art Foundations Core
  • AR 491V - Internship in Art (1-3) F, SP, SU

    This course is designed to allow students to work and study in a contemporary work environment. All internships must be approved by the department chair. Up to 6 hours is permitted toward a student’s major.

    Prerequisites: Visual Art Foundations Core; Junior standing or above, and minimum GPA of 3.0.

Athletic Training Courses

  • AT 3002 - Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (2) SP

    A comprehensive study of the methods of preventing and caring for injuries incurred in an athletic, exercise science or physical education program. Emphasis is placed upon the practical aspects of care and treatment.

Business Administration Courses

  • BA 3403 - Enterprise Systems and Analytics (3) F, SP, SU

    In this course, students explore the role of enterprise resource planning and business analytics within and between organizations. Students learn to analyze and improve cross-functional business processes. Emphasis is place on the use of ERP systems to integrate processes across marketing, finance/accounting, operations and HR management. Students also learn to visualize business performance measures and mine large datasets for actionable information. The course covers commonly used tools including SQL, QBE and data flow diagrams.

  • BA 3603 - Fundamentals of International Business (3) F, SP, SU

    Environmental, economic, political and social constraints on doing business abroad as well as management problems and operations of an overseas business are discussed.

    Prerequisites: EC 2413  and EC 2403 .
  • BA 3703 - Business Communication (3) F, SP

    A study of the process of human communication as a basis for managing organizations. Topics include business writing, report writing, the job-search process, writing for effect and technology-enabled communication.

    Prerequisites: LU 1203  or EN 1113 , EN 1313  and CO 1003 .
    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.
  • BA 3803 - Business Ethics (3) F, SP, SU

    Explores individual and collective ethical decision making styles and the corporation as a social moral agent. It is conducted in a seminar style using cross-functional cases from core business disciplines.

    Prerequisite: Senior standing.
  • BA 4503 - Business Policy and Strategy (3) F, SP, SU

    Study of the development of company policy and strategy and the impact of a company’s internal and external environment on strategic decisions. Includes case practice in analyzing and formulating business policy and strategy. An integrating experience to be taken in the final semester.

    Prerequisite: Senior standing, BA 3703 , FI 2503 , FI 3503 , MK 3503 , MG 3503 .
    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.

Bible Courses

  • BI 1003 - Introduction to the Bible and Christianity (3) F, SU

    This course is intended for incoming students at Lipscomb who have limited exposure to the Bible and the Christian faith. It is designed to help these students acquire the general information and background that will prepare them for the rest of their Bible courses. Topics to be covered include the books of the Bible, the key events and people in the Bible, the overall storyline of the Bible and the background of the various expressions of Christianity today.

  • BI 1053 - Early Hebrew History (3) F, SP

    A historical survey of the Old Testament period, with special emphasis on God’s redemptive purpose in relation to the coming of Christ. Students who have taken Bible 1512 cannot take this course.

    Adult Degree Program students only
  • BI 1063 - Luke - Acts (3) F

    An analysis of Luke’s two-volume account of the life and ministry of Jesus and the history and ministry of the early church.

    Adult Degree Program students only
  • BI 1073 - The Story of Jesus (3) F

    A study of what the four Gospels, with an emphasis on the Gospel of Luke, reveal about the life and message of Jesus, the significance of his redemptive work in God’s larger purpose and how disciples live out the story of Jesus in their own lives.


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