Dec 26, 2024
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
CO 6593 - Thesis - Communication Research Methods (3) F, SP, SU This provides an overview of advanced communication research methods, models and approaches for generative and applied research in the academic field of communication and professional contexts. It provides an introduction of the purposes, questions, and methods of research as well as the connection of research to communication constructs, models and theories. Students gain the ability to use, design, conduct and critique a range of different communication research methods, from several paradigmatic perspectives, including quantitative empirical, qualitative, symbolic/rhetorical, and hybrid methods. Students should gain the basic skills enough to read, review, apply, identify strengths and weaknesses, critique, and conduct their own original research. The goal of this course is to provide a structured environment conducive to the creation of a thesis during the term of enrollment. The student should conduct original research and produce a master’s thesis by applying the relevant research methods central to research of communication, preparation and defense of a graduate Thesis, including a unique application of data, investigation, observation, reasoning, inference, and recognition of the limits of research findings as well as applications. The student should utilize an appropriate method from the wide range of divergent methods to investigate communication in the focus context.