2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Graduate Studies in Theology
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Hazelip School of Theology
- Doctor of Ministry
- Master of Arts in Christian Ministry
- Master of Divinity
- Master of Theological Studies
C. Leonard Allen, Dean, College of Bible and Ministry
Frank Guertin, Associate Dean and Director, Hazelip School of Theology
John York, Associate Dean and Director, Doctor of Ministry
Core Faculty
C. Leonard Allen, Professor of Bible
Mark C. Black, Professor of New Testament
Terry R. Briley, Professor of Old Testament
Phillip Camp, Professor of Old Testament
Ken R. Durham, Batsell Barrett Baxter Chair of Preaching
David Fleer, Professor of Ministry
Frank Guertin, Associate Dean and Director, Hazelip School of Theology
John Mark Hicks, Professor of Theology
Kris Miller, Associate Professor of Theology
Josh Strahan, Assistant Professor of Bible
John O. York, Professor of Ministry and New Testament
Other Participating Faculty
Lee Camp, Professor of Theology
George Goldman, Associate Professor of New Testament
Earl Lavender, Professor of Theology and Ministry
Rhonda Lowry, Assistant Professor of Spiritual Formation
Walter F. Surdacki, Assistant Professor of Ministry
C. Michael Williams, Associate Professor of New Testament
Philosophy of the Hazelip School of Theology
The mission of the Hazelip School of Theology is to prepare followers of Jesus for leadership and service in God’s kingdom, especially the church, by providing education in Scripture, theology and history, global contextualization and ministry skills in the framework of faith in God and formation by the Spirit.
A great need exists in the world today for men and women who can model a deep, healthy relationship with God and who possess the knowledge and skills to minister in the context of a complex and rapidly-changing world. In our view, the ideal preparation for ministry includes the following areas:
- Spiritual Formation: The heart of ministry involves equipping individuals to grow into the likeness of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-16). A deep exploration of one’s identity and the paths to nurture a relationship with God is essential to the minister’s personal well being and ability to help others.
- Interpretation of Scripture: God’s inspired revelation of himself in the Bible continues to provide the foundation for our understanding of what it means to be his people. Each minister faces the challenge of discerning the message of these ancient texts within their original cultural setting and the way they speak to us today.
- Contemporary Culture: Although the message of Scripture is timeless, the culture it seeks to connect with and confront is constantly changing. The challenges of diversity of culture and rapidity of change have perhaps never been greater than the present time. The minister must, therefore, be a student of contemporary culture as well as the Bible.
- Christian History: One of the most valuable tools for recognizing the interaction (positive and negative) between faith and culture is the study of Christian history. It is often possible to see this interaction more clearly in another time than our own, and the insights gained may be applied to current challenges.
- Theological Thinking: Knowledge of how to interpret the Bible is critical, but it is not the end of the process. The minister also needs to understand the method by which one arrives at a synthesis of the Bible’s teachings on theological concepts such as the nature of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church and others.
- Ministry Skills: The knowledge and perspectives gained from the preceding areas must ultimately be applied to the lives of individuals and churches. The tools and techniques of various ministries provide the link between understanding and application.
The Hazelip School of Theology is a member of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada. ATS is the premier accrediting body for graduate theological education in the U.S.
In 2005, Lipscomb University named its graduate program in Theology in honor of former Lipscomb President Harold Hazelip. In recognition of his contributions to Lipscomb, as well as to Christian education and preaching, the Hazelip School of Theology was established. This honor was made possible by an endowment established by Lori Renick of Bowling Green, Ky.
Doctor of Ministry
The Doctor of Ministry in missional and spiritual formation degree prepares ministry leaders for service in public and private organizations and academic settings. As a three-year program, it features a cohort model that combines multiple learning venues with on site, online and field-based course work.
The program consists of 36 credit hours. During the first two years, 28 hours are theory and practice courses and two hours are research specific. The third year covers the final six hours of the program and involves a practical, collaborative capstone project which addresses real research questions in authentic settings.
Admission Standards
Hazelip School of Theology’s Doctor of Ministry program follows A.T.S. admission standards, where entrance to the D.Min. program requires the possession of a board-approved M.Div. degree or its educational equivalent. Ministerial experience is not considered the equivalent of or a substitute for the M.Div. degree.
When one applies to the seminary’s D.Min. program with a master’s degree other than the M.Div. degree, the program director or member of the D.Min. program’s administrative staff performs an M.Div. equivalency evaluation to assess the degree to which the applicant’s educational background meets the educational equivalent of the M.Div. degree. If it is determined that the applicant’s educational background does not meet M.Div. equivalency and falls short by no more than 30 semester hours, a list of suggested leveling courses is provided, which, when completed, would satisfy A.T.S. standards. Meeting M.Div. equivalency does not result in the conferral of the M.Div. degree. Its sole purpose is to qualify the applicant for admission to the D.Min. program.
When a student has 18 hours or less of leveling course work required, entrance into the D.Min. program may be granted at the discretion of the admissions committee. Students who begin the D. Min. with leveling course requirements must complete the equivalency requirement before beginning the third residency module.
Transfer of Credit
Due to the nature of the program, all students are encouraged to take all of the course work within the program. Exceptions will be made, based on the similarity of content and competencies learned, for up to six hours from another accredited doctoral level program.
Students are required to provide satisfactory documentation of personal identification for off-site learning experiences required in many programs of graduate study at Lipscomb University. Failure to provide proper credentials will result in failure to complete the desired course of study. For complete policy, see section entitled Documentation in the opening section of this catalog.
Admission Policies and Procedures (D.Min)
Applicants to the Hazelip School’s Doctor of Ministry program must submit the following:
- Application Form. Each applicant must complete an application form. The application form is available at lipscomb.edu/admissions/graduate then click on “Apply by Program” to complete the online application.
- Application Fee. Each application should be accompanied by a $50 nonrefundable application fee. Pay the fee online or mail a check to Hazelip School of Theology, Doctor of Ministry program, One University Park Drive, Nashville, TN 37204-3951.
- References. Letters of reference are required as follows: one from a university professor or administrator, one from a church leader or minister and one from professional supervisor/employer.
- Documentation of full-time participation in ministry. A minimum of three years’ experience is required after completion of the M.Div. degree. This documentation includes a written endorsement of the applicant’s admission to the D.Min. program from his or her church or parachurch organization.
- Official Transcript(s). Each applicant must submit an official transcript, showing degree conferral when appropriate, from all schools attended. If you need a transcript from Lipscomb University, go to the Office of the Registrar’s site in order to request one. They can send your transcript through campus mail, but we cannot request it for you.
- Possession of appropriate writing skills. Applicants must submit a writing sample (e.g., an academic paper or a recently published article) to be evaluated by the D.Min. program director or member of the program’s faculty. Writing samples are evaluated on the basis of form (demonstrating a basic grasp of the mechanics of good writing) and content (demonstrating the ability to engage in critical thinking).
- Health Form. Each applicant must submit a completed health form signed by a health care provider. (To print a copy of the health form, visit www.lipscomb.edu/healthcenter/forms.) This form must be submitted directly to Lipscomb’s Health Center.
- FERPA. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act affords students certain rights of access to educational records; even those who are independent of parents must submit this form to the registrar’s office prior to enrollment.
- TOEFL. The Test of English as a Foreign Language, with a score or at least 550, is required for international students. (See section titled International Students for more information.)
- Formal Interview. Once all application materials have been reviewed, applicants will be contacted for an on-site interview.
All application items should be submitted to the Hazelip School of Theology office no later than 30 days before the beginning of the cohort in which the students plans to enroll. Forms should be mailed to Hazelip School of Theology, Doctor of Ministry program, Lipscomb University, One University Park Drive, Nashville, TN 37204-3951.
All requirements detailed for the D.Min. program are in addition to existing requirements for Graduate Studies in Theology. Any instances of substitution for existing requirements are noted.
Degree Completion Requirements (D.Min.) (36 hours)
All students in the Doctor of Ministry program are required to satisfactorily:
- Complete four residency modules with required course work (28 hours)
- Complete two research courses (2 hours)
- Complete any required leveling course work (maximum of 18 hours) before the beginning of the 3rd residency module
- Complete the Project/Thesis (six hours, completed in consultation with the student’s advisor)
- Complete the Project Oral Defense
Statute of Limitations
All requirements for the D.Min. degree must be completed within a five-year period from the time of initial matriculation.
The Doctor of Ministry is a formational degree that requires students to make progress in their academic, personal and professional development. Therefore, students will be required to apply for candidacy after the first residency module (eight hours). Students should submit the candidacy status form and related materials to the doctor of ministry office. Students must be approved prior to beginning second-year studies.
Minimum Credits
The D.Min. requires 36 semester hours.
Minimum GPA
The minimum cumulative grade-point average for all theology degree programs is 3.00 for all graduate courses taken for graduate credit while pursuing the degree. No grade below a “C” is acceptable. Such grades will not apply toward degree completion.
Academic Standing
1. Good Academic Standing: To remain in good academic standing, the student must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA and a 3.0 GPA on the most recent 12 semester hours of work. Theology 257Theology
2. Probation: Should the student’s cumulative graduate GPA fall below 3.0, he or she will be placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation will not be allowed to enroll for more than six hours during any term in which the probation applies. Te probationary student is required to achieve a 3.0 cumulative GPA by the time the student has completed the next nine hours of course work. Courses may be repeated to achieve the requisite GPA. If the requisite GPA is attained, the academic probation status will be removed.
3. Suspension: If the requisite GPA is not attained, the student will be suspended from graduate studies at Lipscomb for the following semester, after which the student may apply for readmission. Te student may be required to appear before an academic graduate committee. A graduate course in which a student has earned a “C” or “F” may be repeated. In such cases, only the higher grade will be used to compute the student’s GPA. Failing grades will provide no credit toward the degree but will be included in determining scholarship level, unless replaced with a higher grade by repeating the course(s).
4. Appeals: Appeals to suspension decisions should be made in writing to the vice provost for academic development and graduate studies. Appeals must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Monday of the week before classes begin for the term during which the student wishes to be readmitted.
Students must register for GN 999X the semester in which all course work will be completed for graduation. Students who do not file their intent to graduate form in the Registrar’s Office by the end of the first week of their last semester may be delayed in graduating. Graduate students receiving degrees are hooded during the May and Dec. commencement exercises.
Any exceptions to the above stated requirements would require approval via the appeal process established by the graduate academic leadership team.
Financial Information (D.Min.)
Tuition and Fees for 2016-17*
Tuition per credit hour |
$333 |
Tuition to audit |
50% of tuition |
Fees |
Application fee |
$50 |
Application for Graduation |
$195 |
Returned payment fee |
$30 |
Project continuation fee |
$350 |
Thesis fee (includes printing and binding) |
$75 |
TouchNet payment plan enrollment fee (per semester) |
$60 |
Withdrawal fee |
$195 |
*Effective May 1, 2016 |
Master of Divinity, Master of Theological Studies, and Master of Christian Ministry (M.Div., M.T.S., M.A.C.M.)
Our most comprehensive degree, the Master of Divinity, has traditionally been considered to provide the best preparation for ministry. It is required for ordination in many religious bodies, as well as for service in fields such as chaplaincy.
The Master of Divinity has two formats available, the traditional part-time program and the full-time cohort program. The traditional option focuses on the classic disciplines of theology. The cohort option focuses on the integration of theological training with the practice of ministry.
The Master of Theological Studies degree provides a basic understanding of theological disciplines for further graduate study, for teaching or for general educational purposes.
The Master of Arts in Christian ministry degree equips persons for competent leadership in Christian ministry in congregations and other settings.
Admission Policies and Procedures (M.Div., M.T.S., M.A.C.M.)
Applicants to Hazelip School of Theology must submit the following:
- Application Form. Each applicant must complete an application form. The application form is available at lipscomb.edu/admissions/graduate then click on “Apply by Program” to complete the online application.
- Application Fee. Each application should be accompanied by a $50 nonrefundable application fee ($75 for international students).
- References. Letters of reference are required as follows: one from a college or university administrator or professor, one from a professional supervisor/employer and one from a church leader or minister.
- Official Transcript(s). Each applicant must submit an official transcript, showing degree conferral when appropriate, from every school attended.
- Degree. Each applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
- Minimum GPA. Each applicant must have earned at least a 2.75 GPA in an undergraduate degree or graduate degree.
- Health Form. Each applicant must submit a completed health form signed by a health care provider. To print a copy of the health form, visit www.lipscomb.edu/healthcenter/forms. This form must be submitted directly to Lipscomb’s Health Center.
- FERPA. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act affords students certain rights of access to educational records. Even those who are independent of parents must submit this form prior to enrollment.
- Self-Evaluation Essay. A 750-1000-word expanded goals statement is required, concerning the applicant’s religious heritage, career goals and how Hazelip School of Theology will contribute to the achievement of those goals.
- TOEFL. The Test of English as a Foreign Language is required for international students. (See section titled International Students for more information.)
The application process can be completed online. All application materials should be submitted to the Hazelip School of Theology office at least three weeks prior to the first day of class in which the student plans to enroll. If application requirements cannot be submitted online, they may be mailed to Hazelip School of Theology, Lipscomb University, One University Park Drive, Nashville TN 37204-3951.
Student Classifications
Students are admitted to graduate courses in one of five categories:
- Graduate Student: one who has satisfied all admissions requirements. A student with an incomplete admission file will be accepted to the program at the discretion of the program director but will be placed on an Academic Hold which will prevent registration for the following semester. Once the proper admissions documents have been received, the hold will be removed and the student will be allowed to register for the following semester.
- Degree. Each applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
- Minimum GPA. Each applicant must have earned at least a 2.75 GPA in an undergraduate degree or graduate degree.
- Conditionally Admitted Student: one who has been admitted conditionally, at the discretion of the program director, without satisfying all admission requirements. Students admitted with the following criteria will be required to complete a minimum of nine hours of graduate work with a grade of “B” or above before the conditional admission is removed.
- A student from an unaccredited school or with a substandard GPA.
- A transfer student with a graduate GPA between 2.50 and 2.74. The transfer student must be in good standing at the previous institution attended.
- A student who has not completed a bachelor’s degree program. The transfer student must be in good standing at the previous institution attended.
- Non-Degree Student: one who has been admitted to graduate studies and has met all admission requirements except GPA. The student may take up to nine semester hours for graduate credit. Those hours may be applied toward a master’s degree if the student makes a grade of “B” or better in the courses taken for credit and if all admission requirements (GPA) are met and the student is formally admitted to a graduate program as a degree-seeking student.
Visiting Student: one who is currently enrolled as a student in good standing at the post-bachelor’s level at another graduate school, wishes to take courses at Lipscomb and desires to have transcript evidence of course work done at Lipscomb provided for the school of primary enrollment.
- Probationary Student: one who has been readmitted to a graduate program following academic suspension from the program.
Admission to a program does not imply admission to candidacy for the master’s degree. Only those students who meet the requirements for “graduate student” described above are eligible for candidacy.
Transfer of Courses
Graduate credit hours may be transferred from another A.T.S.-accredited institution; however, a maximum of 12 hours will be counted toward the M.A.C.M., a maximum of 21 hours towards the M.T.S., and a maximum of 48 hours for the M.Div. degree. The director or appropriate faculty member of the graduate program will evaluate the course(s) being proposed for transfer and make a determination of suitability. No course with a grade below a “B” will be considered for transfer. No more than half of a student’s hours from a completed degree may be transferred.
Special consideration for course waiver may be given the student who has special study and/or experience in a given subject area. The waiver will be by means of an examination that is passed with a grade of “B” or better. A $170 fee is charged for each examination taken. A maximum of six hours may be waived by examination. Arrangements for a waiver are to be made through the graduate studies office. No graduate credit is awarded. See “Special Considerations ” in front of catalog.
Advanced Standing
Advanced standing may be granted for as many as one-fifth of the total hours required for the M.Div., M.T.S., and M.A.C.M. degrees. Only those who have prior theological education from outstanding regionally-accredited colleges and universities will qualify. Any course for which advanced standing is granted must be a reasonable substitute for the course required by the Hazelip School of Theology, and the student must have gained an “A” or a “B.” The granting of such credit is subject to the decision of the HST academic committee.
Students are required to provide satisfactory documentation of personal identification for off-site learning experiences required in many programs of graduate study at Lipscomb University. Failure to provide proper credentials will result in failure to complete the desired course of study. For complete policy, see section entitled Required Documentation for Off-Site Learning Experiences in the opening section of this catalog.
Academic Policies (M.Div., M.T.S., M.A.C.M.)
Course Load
A student enrolled for nine hours is considered a full-time student. A student enrolled for six hours is considered a half-time student. A student enrolled for less than six hours is considered a part-time student. Students will not be permitted to enroll for more than 12 hours per semester during the fall or spring semesters, or nine hours during the summer semester, without first obtaining special permission from the program director.
Academic Standing
- Good Academic Standing: To remain in good academic standing, the student must maintain a cumulative 2.75 GPA and a 2.75 GPA on the most recent 12 semester hours of work.
- Probation: Should the student’s cumulative graduate GPA fall below 2.75, he or she will be placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation will not be allowed to enroll for more than six hours during any term in which the probation applies.
The probationary student is required to achieve a 2.75 cumulative GPA by the time the student has completed the next nine hours of course work. Courses may be repeated to achieve the requisite GPA. If the requisite GPA is attained, the academic probation status will be removed.
- Suspension: If the requisite GPA is not attained, the student will be suspended from graduate studies at Lipscomb for the following semester, after which the student may apply for readmission. The student may be required to appear before an academic graduate committee.
A graduate course in which a student has earned a “C” or “F” may be repeated. In such cases, only the higher grade will be used to compute the student’s GPA. Failing grades will provide no credit toward the degree but will be included in determining scholarship level, unless replaced with a higher grade by repeating the course(s). A 2.75 GPA must be maintained to be eligible for financial assistance.
- Appeals: Appeals to suspension decisions should be made in writing to the associate provost for academic development and graduate studies. Appeals must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Monday of the week before classes begin for the term during which the student wishes to be readmitted.
Degree Completion Requirements (M.Div., M.T.S., M.A.C.M.)
Students are required to earn at least 24 hours on campus for the M.Div. and 12 hours on campus for the M.A.C.M.
Statute of Limitations
All requirements for the M.Div. degree should be completed within a 10-year period from the time of initial matriculation. All requirements for the M.T.S. or M.A.C.M. degrees must be completed within a 10- year period from the time of initial matriculation.
Admission to a program does not imply admission to candidacy for the master’s degree. During the course of pursuing the theology degrees, the student must be admitted to “candidacy.” For admission to candidacy the student must satisfy the following:
1. Complete all required undergraduate deficiencies if admitted conditionally.
2. Complete at least 12 hours of graduate work.
3. Maintain a 2.75 GPA on all courses taken toward the requirements for the degree with no incomplete grades.
4. File a degree plan/application for candidacy in the graduate program office which meets all requirements and is approved by the administrator of the graduate program and the dean of the college. The degree plan must be filed at the same time that an “application for candidacy” is filed.
After admission to candidacy and approval of the degree plan, any changes in the degree plan must be approved by the director of the graduate program and the dean of the college. The application for candidacy should be filed after the student has completed 12 hours in the program.
Students may write a thesis for the M.Div. or M.T.S. degree on a creative topic in a field directly related to their studies. The student may register for three hours of thesis work in each of two semesters or the entire six hours of thesis work in a single semester. Guidelines and requirements for theses are available in the Hazelip School of Theology office. Only students with a 3.5 grade point average in their graduate credits are eligible to apply to write a thesis, and the director must approve registration for thesis work.
Each student must maintain a portfolio (preferably electronic) containing graded exams, papers, and other major projects. The portfolio will be reviewed by the faculty during the semester in which the student plans to graduate.
Comprehensive Examination
A written comprehensive examination is required of all candidates for the Master of Divinity, Master of Theological Studies and Master of Arts in Christian ministry degrees. The comprehensive exam is administered once in the fall semester and once in the spring semester. Students intending to graduate in the fall or spring must notify the program director of their intent to take the exam at the beginning of that semester. The student intending to graduate in the summer semester must notify the program director at the beginning of the preceding spring semester. The examination must be completed at least one month before the anticipated graduation date. The examination will be graded on a pass-fail basis.
Minimum Credits
The M.Div. requires 72 semester hours and the M.A.C.M. requires 36 hours, exclusive of hours accumulated to satisfy academic deficiencies. The M.T.S. also requires 48 hours but students with prior extensive undergraduate studies in theology may be allowed to complete the program in 42 hours, at the discretion of the director.
Minimum GPA
The minimum cumulative grade-point average for all theology degree programs is 2.75 for all graduate courses taken for graduate credit while pursuing the degree. Any grade below “C” is unacceptable and will not apply toward degree completion.
Students must register for GN 999X the semester in which all course work will be completed for graduation. Students who do not file their intent to graduate form in the registrar’s office by the end of the first week of their last semester may be delayed in graduating.
Graduate students receiving degrees are hooded during the May and December commencement exercises.
Any exceptions to the above stated requirements would require approval via the appeal process established by the graduate academic leadership team.
Financial Information (M.Div., M.T.S., M.A.C.M.)
Tuition and Fees for 2016-17*
Tuition per credit hour |
$525 |
Tuition to audit |
50% of tuition |
Tuition for second year Thesis work |
$350 |
Fees |
Application fee |
$50 |
Application for Graduation |
$195 |
Project continuation fee |
$350 |
Returned payment fee |
$30 |
Thesis fee (includes printing and binding) |
$75 |
TouchNet (monthly payment) enrollment fee per semester |
$60 |
Withdrawal fee |
$195 |
*Effective May 1, 2016 |
The Hazelip School of Theology offers a 25% discount to all of its students thanks to the generosity of donors over the years. Additional scholarship support is also available. Students should consult with the program director and the department’s web site for more information.
Master of Divinity Course Requirements (72 hours)
The Master of Divinity is the standard degree for those who want to engage in full-time ministry, especially congregational ministry or chaplaincy. The goals of the program are to give students competence in the interpretation of the Bible, to ensure that students have a basic knowledge of Christian history and theology, to cultivate an active concern for local and global poverty and oppression, to integrate the knowledge of these disciplines with the skills for ministry in today’s culture and in congregational settings and to provide training in spiritual formation. The M.Div. degree is a 72-hour program. Students may take classes on campus or online. As many as 48 hours may be earned in the distance format; however, at least 27 hours must be earned in residence. These classes are often offered in an intensive format (weekend or one-week classes). Twelve hours of electives or concentration allow students to specialize in a particular area, if they so desire. For those students who have prior undergraduate or graduate training, many of the foundational courses may be waived to allow for more elective hours.
Master of Theological Studies Course Requirements (48 hours)
The 48-hour Master of Theological Studies degree program serves students interested in theological education for a variety of educational and personal goals. The purpose of the degree is to provide meaningful grounding in the theological disciplines. The structure of course work provides students with grounding in basic methodologies of scriptural exegesis as well as a broad overview of Christian history and theological trajectories. The degree requirements are structured in such a way as to allow students maximum flexibility in selection of courses, according to their interests. The basic goals of the M.T.S., determined by the HST faculty, include: the ability to interpret Scripture; acquisition of a broad knowledge of major theological and historical developments within the Christian tradition; and the ability to reason theologically, in conversation with the biblical canon and Christian tradition.
Master of Arts in Christian Ministry Course Requirements (36 hours)
The Master of Arts in Christian ministry is a 36-hour degree program designed to equip men and women for competent leadership in ministry in churches and other settings. Training is provided in specialized ministry areas such as missions, youth and family ministry, campus ministry, preaching, spiritual guidance, urban ministry and others. Students can also gain proficiency in scriptural and theological studies. Students may take classes on campus or online. As many as 15 hours may be earned in the distance format; however, at least 21 hours must be earned in residence. The M.A. in Christian Ministry includes a comprehensive examination based on a case-study approach.
The educational goals of the program are to provide foundational training in the basic theological disciplines; to enable discovery of strengths for ministerial leadership, to provide training in spiritual formation for effective work in ministry settings and to teach specific ministry skills appropriate to the student’s calling.
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