Feb 17, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office coordinates the awarding of all financial assistance. The primary purposes of the aid program are to provide financial assistance to students who without aid could not attend the university and to reward students who have achieved excellence in their previous academic work or in areas of performance.

Besides offering its own institutional aid to students, Lipscomb participates fully in federal and state aid programs. The aid available includes scholarships, grants, loans and employment.

The financial aid office presents to each eligible applicant an award package which may be funded from several sources. Because funds may come from many sources at various times, over-awarding sometimes occurs. If a student is inadvertently over-awarded according to either federal or institutional guidelines, adjustments will be made in the award. Please note that your institutional aid may be reduced or canceled at any time during the year if it is deemed necessary.

Lipscomb University makes every effort to use institutional resources wisely. Consequently, we must limit the institutional gift aid provided to students based on living arrangements and award packages. Lipscomb University follows a direct cost policy for all students. Non-institutional gift aid such as Title IV funds, state grants and outside scholarships will be applied to the student account first. Institutional aid is always applied last. If an award package is created before additional aid is received from outside or institutional sources, the package will be updated as described above which could result in reduction of institutional funds. If a student has a credit caused by institutional aid and outside scholarships, the student is not eligible for a refund. The institutional aid will be adjusted down to remove the credit.

Lipscomb makes every effort to use institutional resources to build its campus community. If an on-campus student has a credit caused by institutional aid and/or other gift aid in conjunction with a federal Pell grant, the student is eligible for a refund up to maximum Pell. Off-campus students are not eligible for this refund. A meal plan cannot be added to an off campus student’s account and be covered by an institutional credit.

In a credit situation, before institutional aid is adjusted down, the student is entitled to an up to $600 per semester book voucher (required books only), except where the scholarship states that books are not covered, e.g., National Merit finalists, athletics, veterans, etc. Institutional funds are provided for normal, required expenses at the university. Optional fees and deposits, such as (but not limited to) Global Learning, traffic fines, health center charges, private lessons and single-room housing are not eligible to be covered by institutional and/or future outside aid.

Title IV loans such as Federal Direct Student Loans and Federal Direct (Parent) PLUS Loans are refundable. The refund cannot exceed the amount of the loan.

For employees, please review the Staff Handbook for guidelines regarding employee tuition discount and the direct cost policy.

The Department of Education requires the university to set a cost of attendance (student budget) based on the student’s program of study and living arrangements. This means that students living on-campus and off-campus will have different budgets. (Student budgets include tuition, fees, room, board, books and supplies, personal expenses and transportation.) Student budgets for off-campus students are lower than student budgets for on-campus students. Therefore, if a student moves off campus during any semester, both loan eligibility and gift aid may be significantly reduced. Prior to making a change in living arrangements, students should contact the financial aid office FIRST to determine the potential impact to their award and student budget. important note: For students who are from Tennessee and qualify for the HOPE scholarship, this state award is inclusive of any full tuition scholarship, such as the Community College Trustee Award, if the student lives off campus. Also, students who decline the Tennessee HOPE scholarship cannot have these funds replaced by equivalent funds from other institutional sources.

Therefore, if the student declines the HOPE scholarship, the full tuition scholarship will be reduced accordingly.

University funding is described below under the heading of Scholarships; Funds from government (and other) sources are designated “financial aid.”


Institutional grants (often called “scholarships”) are given on two bases: merit and need. Any student accepted for admission to the university must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.gov to be considered for both need and merit aid provided by the university. Any student who files a FAFSA, listing Lipscomb’s Federal Title IV Code (003486), is automatically considered for need-based federal and state aid.

Institutional Merit-Based Scholarships

General information by enrollment status:

Freshmen. Academic scholarships for first-time freshmen are determined by ACT/SAT and the Final High School weighted GPA.

  • Additional ACT/SAT scores will not be used for scholarship determination beyond the first day of classes in the student’s freshman year.
  • Other scholarships for freshmen are performance awards in art, athletics, drama and music. These awards are determined by the specific department.

Transfers. Academic scholarships for transfers are awarded according to cumulative college GPA. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required. Students who have enrolled full time at another college or university for one semester or more are considered transfer students.

Continuing Students. Lipscomb students can renew the scholarships they receive at entry. However, superior academic performance at Lipscomb does not allow for an increase in the award.

Graduate Students. Graduate students may qualify for scholarships, tuition grants or assistantships, depending on the field of study. Please refer to the Graduate Catalog for further information.

Visiting. No aid, including scholarships, is available to students who do not seek a degree, licensure or certification.

Returning Students (Lipscomb being the initial school as a first-time freshman).

  • The initial-entry scholarship will not be offered if the student’s intention was to withdraw from Lipscomb and enroll in another school for a semester or more. Students taking less than full-time summer classes while at home for summer break are excluded from this policy.  If a student takes full-time hours during the summer semester at other colleges and/or universities, they would return to Lipscomb as a transfer studentTransferring 12 or more hours from summer sessions other than Lipscomb, regardless of the number of schools and/or the hours transferred from each school will change the status of the student from a continuing student to a transfer student.  If eligible, academic scholarship awarded upon their return would not be allowed to exceed the value of their current Lipscomb academic scholarship.   The student would not be eligible for the transfer Pathways Scholarship.  Academic would be awarded at the regular transfer scale (available for students that do not qualify for the Pathways, 3.0 cumulative GPA required) not to exceed the current value of academic scholarship.  Leaving Lipscomb in the fall or spring term to enroll in another college or university will result in transfer student status upon return.  Students should check with the Lipscomb Financial Aid Office regarding the change in status from a continuing student to transfer student.  There are other awards that may be removed due to the change in status.  These awards are, but not limited to, Out-Of State Scholarship, Vision Award, Scout Award, Head of School Grant.
  • Students away from Lipscomb for one semester or more will be awarded at the transfer scholarship scale, based on the most recent Lipscomb GPA, not to exceed the value of the current Lipscomb academic scholarship. Students are not eligible for Lipscomb Pathways for Transfers upon re-entry.

Second-Degree Students. No institutional aid available. May qualify for federal aid.

Charges Not Covered.  Institutional aid will not cover certain charges.  These charges are, but not limited to, in the following list:

   Credit By Exam Fee
   Courses that are Audited

   Library Fines
   Traffic Tickets

   Domestic or Global Travel Fees
   Private Instrument/Vocal Fees
   Cost of a Single Room

Merit Aid

Trustee, Presidential, Provost, Dean, Bison Achievement, Pathways Scholarship, TN Community College Award, Transfer University/Community College Award, Phi Theta Kappa, National Society of Leadership and Community College Award. These awards are given to first-time freshmen, transfers and continuing students. Details for incoming students are available on the financial aid website.

Transfers. A number of renewable scholarships are available to university and community college transfer students.  Details for incoming transfer students are available on the financial aid website. The Lipscomb Pathways, TN Community College Award, Transfer University/Community College Award and Phi Theta Kappa/National Society of Leadership awards are available in fall and spring semesters only.  These awards are not available in the winter or summer semester.  The TN Community College Award and the Transfer University/Community College Award may not be combined.  The student may be eligible for one or the other but not both.  Children of Lipscomb employees are not eligible for the Pathways Scholarship, TN Community College Award, Transfer University/Community Award or Phi Theta Kappa/National Society of Leadership.

Continuing Students. Academic scholarships given to entering students continue if the students meet renewal requirements.

Lipscomb Online. Check with the College of Professional Studies.

Graduate Students. All graduate students may apply for need-based aid by filing a FAFSA. Some graduate areas offer unique merit assistance through the individual graduate program office.  For information on scholarships, contact the individual graduate office.


On Campus Requirement

There are several scholarships which require the student to live on-campus each semester in order to remain eligible for the award.  These awards are, but not limited to, the following list:

Admissions Fellowship Grant
Athletic Scholarship:  as determined by athletic contract
CCCU Tuition Waiver
Employment Based Awards:  Child of Foreign Missionary, Minister, Youth Minister; Parent employment of NCSA Member University
Head of School Grant:  on-campus value
International Student Scholarship:  on-campus value
Kappa Iota Theta Awards
Latino Achiever Grant:  on-campus value, entry prior to 2016-2017
Lipscomb Academy Valedictorian Scholarship
Lipscomb Pathways:  on-campus value
National Merit Finalist Scholarship: entry prior to 2017-2018
National Merit Semi-Finalist Scholarship:  entry prior to 2017-2018
National Achievement Award:  on-campus value
National Hispanic Scholars:  on-campus value
Out of State Add-On Scholarships
Scout Award
Transfer Trustee Scholarship
Trustee Scholarship

Vision Award

These are awarded to entering freshmen who can make a positive contribution to the diversity of the student body. The Vision Award is not available to Transfer Students.  The award is $1,000 per year and is good for 126 attempted hours. The student is required to complete an application, take a full-time load per semester, and must maintain a 2.0 GPA. The student must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, eligible to file a FAFSA.  The student must meet 3 of the following criteria:  1) Has grown up in a single parent household; 2) Is the first generation in the family to attend college; 3) Attended a public metropolitan high school; 4) Is a member of a group that is under-represented at Lipscomb University.

International Student Grant

There are certain awards for International students.  Contact the International Admissions Recruiter for details.  Scholarship requires a 2.0 cumulative Lipscomb GPA for renewal.  Eligibility for this award is reviewed at the end of each semester: fall, spring and summer, .  The award is not stackable with other institutional aid.

Special Awards

These are made primarily to entering freshmen based upon the following criteria.

Fanning-McInteer Scholarship Fund. This fund is designated for female students only. In order to qualify, one or both of the parents of the applicant must be deceased. Eligibility is based on need, so the filing of a FAFSA is required. The application deadline is May 1. For information contact the Financial Aid Office.

Cultural Diversity Teacher Training Program Scholarship. These scholarships are awarded to under-represented students who seek an initial teaching license through Lipscomb’s professional education degree program. The value of a scholarship is up to $5,000. Applicants should contact Lipscomb’s Office of Teacher Education for information about application procedures and deadlines. Awards are made by an applicant selection committee.

Outside Scholarships. There are outside scholarship opportunities available to Lipscomb students. Application and requirements for these scholarships are available online at financialaid.lipscomb.edu.

Performance Scholarships

In addition to merit aid based upon academic achievement, Lipscomb also offers merit aid based upon excellence in various areas of performance by students. Performance scholarships are awarded by the appropriate departments according to the specific departmental requirements. Examples include music, art, athletics, theater, bible and communication.

Art. Scholarships are available to students on the basis of talent demonstrated by a portfolio of the student’s work. Recommendations are made by the chair of the department of art. Contact the department of art for further information.

Athletics. A limited number of athletic scholarships are available for student-athletes. Athletes awarded $12,000 per year or more must file a FAFSA before any athletic aid will be applied to the student account. Student-athletes must satisfy eligibility requirements established by Lipscomb and by the NCAA to be eligible for athletically related performance-based aid. For specific information contact the Office of Athletics, Lipscomb University, Nashville, Tennessee 37204-3951.

Bible.  Students seeking a degree in Bible, ministry, missions, youth ministry and theology may be awarded a scholarship.  Contact the Undergraduate Bible Department for awarding requirements.

Communication. Scholarships are available for students proficient in journalism and mass communication. Preference is given to candidates who have been enrolled for at least one semester. The chair of the department of communication recommends the recipients.

Music. Applicants with proficiency in vocal and/or instrumental music may apply for scholarships awarded for past achievements and for audition performance. Contact the Department of Music for spring audition dates and other departmental requirements.

Student Government Association. A limited number of scholarships are available to student government officers. Candidates must be duly elected and meet established criteria. Contact the Office of Student Life for information related to Student Government Association and these awards.

Theater.  Scholarships are available to students who are majoring in theater.  Contact the Theater Department regarding eligibility requirements.

Other. Various other performance-based aid may be established from time to time.

CCCU Tuition Waiver Exchange Program

Lipscomb participates in the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) tuition exchange program. Students enrolled in the Doctor of Pharmacy degree are not eligible. The CCCU discount cannot be combined with any other institutional aid. Students who receive this award must live on-campus each semester for continued eligibility.  Contact the financial aid office for complete details.

Institutional Need-Based Scholarships/Grants

Freshmen, transfers, continuing students and graduate students have the same requirements for need-based aid. A FAFSA must be filed to be considered for need-based aid.

Need Aid Details by Fund

“Memorial” is the inclusive term for need-based aid at Lipscomb. Memorials are of two types: general and designated. A general memorial comes from the general funds of the university; the designated memorials consist of restricted scholarship funds set up in memory of individuals. After a student receives a memorial, he/she is told from which designated memorial all or part of the award is derived. Thank you notes to donors are required of students who receive Lipscomb memorials. No credit for the memorial scholarship will be given until the note is written.

The designated memorials are numerous and usually awarded on the basis of need; thus, the filing of a FAFSA is required. Some award decisions are made by select groups. Most memorials are awarded by the Financial Aid Office. Due to a limited amount of funds, memorial grants will be adjusted when other institutional aid is added.

  1. Some memorials have definite instructions from contributors concerning those to whom the awards should be given. Others are available to any student with need.
  2. Memorials exist for majors in art, Bible (graduate and undergraduate), biology, business, chemistry, dietetics, English, Greek, history, journalism, consumer sciences, physical education, pre-med, pre-nursing, social work and speech, among others. A few memorials state donor preferences for recipients who are from specific geographic regions, for minorities or for those who participate in athletics.
  3. Four memorial loan funds exist and are listed under “Memorial Loans Which Must Be Repaid.”

The university is grateful to those who have contributed and are contributing to these scholarships. We especially appreciate those whom they honor.

Endowed Memorial Fund Names

see here  .

Scholarship Load Requirements

(Credit load does not include audited courses.)

  1. Scholarship load requirements for traditional undergraduates are as follows:

During fall and spring semesters a load of 12 or more hours is required for institutional scholarship to credit the student account. Percentage-based tuition discounts require 12 hours for full credit as well. No scholarships are available for loads of fewer than 12 hours.  In a withdrawal situation, if the student is receiving a refund of tuition, all institutional aid will be removed, BOTH paid and unpaid.  In a drop situation, if the student is dropping below the minimum 12 hour class requirement, all institutional aid will be removed, BOTH paid and unpaid.

  1. Exceptions do exist for regular undergraduates.
  1. Last semester seniors, who do not begin the semester with more than 126 cumulative hours, may request a load exception for non-performance merit awards for less than 12 hours.  A minimum of 3 credit hours is required to receive a load exception.  Scholarships will be prorated based on the number of hours of enrollment.
  2. Institutional aid is not available for a CCCU-sponsored trip.
  3. Scholarship credit during the summer semester is based on different load requirements. These requirements are announced at the beginning of the spring term. For summer travel courses that have received a rebate, no institutional aid is available. These travel course credits are not included in the load requirements for summer institutional aid. Students should check with the Financial Aid Office to determine summer scholarship amounts.
  1. Load requirements for special programs are slightly different. Special programs consist of graduate Bible, graduate business, graduate education and Lipscomb Online Degree Programs. Nine or more hours are required for scholarship credit. Scholarship credit during the summer semester is based on different load requirements.
  2. Lipscomb University does not enter into consortium agreements with other colleges or universities.

Scholarship Renewal Requirements

(for undergraduate courses)

  1. Institutional aid is renewable for the stated duration period, provided that merit aid is still merited and that need aid is still needed.
  1. Academic and performance scholarships require varying levels of performance quality.
  2. Need-based aid requires an annual demonstration of need which is determined by filing yearly a FAFSA. File this form by October 1.
  1. Renewal requirements vary among the funds.
  1. Academic scholarships (including Presidential, Provost, Bison Achievement and Transfer) require a cumulative 3.0 GPA or higher for renewal. Trustee, Transfer Trustee and National Merit Scholarships require a 3.25 or better.  Bison Achievement Awards require a cumulative 2.0 GPA for renewal.

Note: For First-Time Freshmen, GPA is evaluated after the semester in which 24 hours have been attempted or two semesters, whichever comes first. No review is made of first-time freshmen (unless the student is placed on academic probation) after their first semester. For transfer students, GPA is evaluated after the first semester.

  1. Vision Awards require a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and a current FAFSA.
  2. “Memorial scholarships” is a category applied to several hundred funds with individual stipulations. They share some requirements:
  1. A yearly FAFSA filing
  2. A cumulative overall GPA of 2.0 or better
  3. GPA evaluation according to the note in 2A
  4. A yearly thank you note
  1. Church of Christ Scholarships/Employment Based Scholarships for Undergraduate Students.

Scholarship awards to first degree undergraduate students whose parent is employed full time (40 hours per week, primary paid vocation) in certain Christian works that are associated with the churches of Christ. Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative Lipscomb GPA, live on campus each semester, enroll full time (12+ hours) each semester, file a FAFSA each year and provide employment verification annually to the Financial Aid Office. These awards are available to children who are less than 25 years of age and are dependent for federal income tax purposes. Married children are not eligible. These awards are subject to all GPA and academic probation restrictions and are available only for the customary duration of an academic program. The scholarships are available to children whose parents are employed in the following full-time roles:

Church of Christ Minister

Church of Christ Youth Minister

Church of Christ Missionaries - MUST be living full-time in a foreign country

Employed by Member School of the National Christian School Association (K-12)

Employed by Member School of the National Christian School Association (University Level)

          Contact the Financial Aid Office for further details.

    E.  State Add-On Scholarships:  Institutional Scholarship awarded to students not from the state of Tennessee.  Value is based on the highest ACT/SAT score.  Student is required to live on-campus each semester to maintain the award. A cumulative 3.0 is required for renewal.

              F.  Performance scholarships have minimum requirements of a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better and usually a current FAFSA. However, additional requirements may be imposed by individual departments based upon departmental guidelines or other applicable criteria (i.e., NCAA guidelines). Questions regarding   renewal requirements for performance scholarships should be directed to the academic chair or director.

  1. All institutional scholarships and grants are canceled (generally in the next semester) if a student is placed on academic probation. After the academic probation is removed, request for reinstatement must be made via the Scholarship: Request for Reinstatement Form. The form must be date-stamped into the financial aid office by last day to drop classes with a partial refund. Late requests will be deferred until the next semester.
  2. GPA evaluations consider only graduation credit earned at Lipscomb and occur only at the end of fall, spring and summer semester.
  3. Students accepted into the College of Pharmacy are no longer eligible for undergraduate scholarships and tuition discounts.
  4. Students participating in engineering CO-OP may receive a leave of absence for Lipscomb scholarships and applicable state scholarships. Students must contact the financial aid office for required documents and procedures.

Scholarship Duration Requirements

(for undergraduate courses)

  1. Institutional funds are effective beginning the first semester of enrollment or the specified semester when granted. For most programs, funds are renewable to a maximum of 126 attempted hours.
  2. Extensions are considered under certain circumstances. For consideration, file a Scholarship Special Request Form with the financial aid office. Extensions are considered based on the following:
  1. Double majors, double minors and major and/or minor changes are not considered legitimate reasons for a scholarship extension.
  2. Requests for extensions must be filed two weeks prior to the semester in which they take effect.
  1. During the extension period, two conditions exist:
  1. Crediting will be according to normal load requirements.
  2. Loads will be determined solely by courses required for graduation.
  1. Duration requirements for performance scholarships are determined by the appropriate department based upon departmental guidelines. Questions regarding duration requirements for performance scholarships should be directed to the academic chair or director.

Memorial Loans Which Must Be Repaid

The Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Joiner Memorial Loan Fund. An interested group of donors has established the Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Joiner Memorial Loan Fund for providing loans to worthy and qualified students.

The A. Direll Pigg Ministers Educational Loan Fund. A sum of money was donated by A. D. Pigg of Indiana to establish the A. Direll Pigg Ministers Educational Loan Fund. This fund makes loans to qualified young men who plan to spend their lives preaching the gospel of Christ.

The Chester K. Hart Loan Fund. Eugenia Hart Brown, in her will, established a loan fund in honor of her brother, Judge Chester K. Hart, for worthy and qualified students who have applied and been rejected for all federal and state aid.

The Teaching of Jesus Fund. Brookie M. Steele established this loan fund for the purpose of assisting with the education of young people enrolled in the study of preaching the gospel.

Need-Based Financial Aid

Aid is available in several forms: grants, loans and work. Most of these are based on need, and need is determined by filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The preferred filing method is electronically at www.fafsa.gov. As a result of filing the FAFSA, the filer is sent a Student Aid Report (SAR). The university electronically receives a similar report from the federal processor.

The FAFSA should be submitted by October 1. It can be submitted later, but failure to meet this filing date may affect the availability of some funds.

Need for all students is determined as follows:
Cost of attendance - EFC (Expected family contribution) = Need

Lipscomb University reserves the right to adjust any award at any time because of changes in financial or enrollment status or if the student receives additional outside aid. Most awards are calculated on the basis of living on campus. Moving off campus may result in an adjustment of the award. Recipients of financial aid are required to inform the financial aid office of any outside resources such as scholarships, loans, grants, etc., awarded to them by any source other than Lipscomb University. Failure to do so may result in the reduction or cancellation of assistance at a later date. Financial aid awards are based on information at the time of award. Awards are subject to change pending completion of verification as well as updated test scores or when other outside sources are applied. Any commitment of government funds is contingent upon congressional appropriations and Lipscomb’s receipt of those funds.

Federal and State Grants

Federal Pell Grant. This federal grant is for qualifying students who have not earned a baccalaureate degree and who demonstrate a significant degree of need. Since it is a grant, it does not have to be repaid. There is no limit on the number of qualifiers for these funds. Funds are credited to a student’s account each term the student is eligible for a grant. Full Pell grant awarding requires a student to enroll in at least 12 hours a semester.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG). Priority for this grant is given to students with the lowest EFCs who will also receive a Federal Pell Grant. Funds are credited to a student’s account each term the student is eligible for the grant and is enrolled full time. Funds are limited.

Tennessee Student Assistance Award. Any Tennessee resident who is enrolled or will be enrolled as an undergraduate student may apply by filing a FAFSA. These state funds are also designated for students with the greatest need. Funds are limited. Filing the FAFSA by Feb. 1 is recommended.

Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program (TELS). The TELS program is funded by lottery revenues and administered by TSAC. Applicants must be a graduate of a Tennessee high school and plan to attend a Tennessee college/university. Specific requirements can be found at www.state.tn.us/tsac.

Loan Funds

Federal Direct Student Loan. A borrower must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment for at least six semester hours and must be working toward a degree or certificate. Loans must be actively accepted in myLipscomb or by written request. The Department of Education also requires entrance counseling and a Master Promissory Note to be completed before the loan can be disbursed. These two requirements can be completed online at www.studentloans.gov. Loans will not be credited to accounts until 30 days after classes begin or when a student begins the sixth credit hour, whichever comes last.

Federal Direct (Parent) PLUS Loan. This loan is for parents of dependent students who need funds to help subsidize their child’s education. PLUS loans are also now available to graduate students. The PLUS loan requires credit approval by the Department of Education. PLUS loan requests can be made at  www.studentloans.gov after May 1.

Part-time Work

Federal Work-Study Program. Work-study is awarded on the basis of need, therefore requiring the filing of a FAFSA. The awarding of work-study does not guarantee a job, but it does give the recipient priority consideration for work on campus.

Campus Work Program (non-federal funds). In addition to the federal Work-Study Program, Lipscomb offers employment to a limited number of other students.

Veterans Benefits

Degree programs at Lipscomb University are approved by the state-approving agency for the training of veterans and eligible persons under laws administered by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

Yellow Ribbon Program. Through an agreement with the United States Department of Veteran Affairs, Lipscomb University will guarantee free tuition to undergraduate students who qualify for the Yellow Ribbon Program. The Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program (Yellow Ribbon Program) is a provision of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008. This program allows institutions of higher learning (degree-granting institutions) in the United States to voluntarily enter into an agreement with the VA to fund tuition expenses. For eligibility requirements, go to https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/yellow_ribbon.asp or www.gibill.va.gov/gi_bill_info/ch33/yellow_ribbon.htm.

Any questions concerning eligibility or benefits should be directed to the veterans liaison.

Unofficial Withdrawals

Students who do not officially withdraw from the university but receive all grades of “F” at the end of the term will be considered to have withdrawn. The registrar’s office will contact the professors in whose classes the students were enrolled to determine if the student earned the grade of “F” and the last date of attendance for that student. The professor will complete a form or respond to the email with the determination of last date of attendance and the earned grade. If the student attended past the 60 percent mark in the semester, it will be deemed that the student earned the grade of “F” and will not be a withdrawal.

Students in module programs who complete one module (example Term I and Term II) but withdraw from the second module will be considered a withdrawal and the calculations and processes described above will be followed. The registrar’s office will determine the last date of attendance in the second module by contacting the student’s professor. Once the date is determined, the information will be entered into the university’s database and passed on to the financial aid office for calculation.

Return of Federal Title IV Policy (R2T4)

In the event a student withdraws, drops out or is expelled from the university prior to the end of a semester of enrollment, the financial aid office will determine if the student must return any Title IV funds, even if the funds have already been credited in full to the student’s account. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the financial aid office if he or she is withdrawing for any reason from the university prior to the end of a semester.

  1. Students who officially withdraw prior to completing 60 percent of the semester will have their financial aid prorated and any unearned funds returned. Students may owe funds to the Department of Education and/or Lipscomb University.
  1. Return of Title IV aid will be completed upon notification of a student’s withdrawal from the university.
  2. The registrar’s office notifies the financial aid office when a student has withdrawn from the university and the last date of attendance is entered into the university database.
  1. The official last date of attendance for students who withdraw will be determined by the student’s instructor in conjunction with the registrar’s office.
  1. A student who officially withdraws will complete a form with the registrar’s office which must be signed by various university offices including the financial aid office.
  2. The registrar’s office initiates the withdrawal form and procedure for pre-registered non-returning students.
  1. Upon official notification of a withdrawal by the registrar’s office in which classes are removed and a “W” is placed on the student’s record, the financial aid office will calculate in accordance with federal guidelines the amount of aid that must be returned or disbursed to the student. The financial aid office uses university software to calculate the earned and unearned funds per student.
  1. The financial aid office will return any unearned portion of the grant and/or loan funds to the Department of Education. (This may cause a balance owed to the university which becomes the student’s responsibility.)
  2. The student is informed by email of the required returns and the amount, if applicable, that is owed to the university.
  3. The university business office will send a statement of charges and billing information to the student after the withdrawal and removal of Title IV aid is complete.
  4. For Federal Direct Student Loans, a letter with exit counseling instructions is sent to the withdrawn student and any future scheduled disbursements for the aid year are canceled.

Federal regulations stipulate how the return of Title IV Funds is calculated for a student who has received financial assistance from any of the Federal Title IV programs. The return must be allocated in the following order and returned to the appropriate program(s):

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Student Loan
  2. Subsidized Federal Direct Student Loan
  3. Federal Direct (Parent) PLUS Loan
  4. Federal Pell Grant
  5. Federal SEOG
  6. Other Title IV Aid Programs

Financial Aid Probation/Loss/Reinstatement

Federal Aid

Students whose Lipscomb cumulative grade point average falls below a “C” (2.0) will be placed on federal financial aid probation for one semester. (Some exceptions apply, see “Satisfactory Progress.”) Students whose Lipscomb cumulative grade point average falls below a “C” (2.0) for two consecutive semesters, and are therefore continued on academic probation, will become ineligible to receive federal financial assistance. If a student is academically suspended for any semester and then provisionally reinstated to the university on academic probation, federal financial assistance will not be reinstated until the student’s Lipscomb cumulative grade point average is at or above 2.0.

Academic Scholarships

Students with academic-based scholarships whose Lipscomb cumulative grade-point average falls below a 3.0 (3.25 cumulative GPA for Trustees, National Merit Finalists and Semi-Finalists), will lose their academic scholarships in the next semester of enrollment (current first-semester freshmen are exempt from the GPA review). The scholarship can be reinstated when the cumulative GPA returns to a 3.0 (3.25 for Trustees, National Merit Finalists and Semi-Finalists) or better after taking a full-time load at Lipscomb (12 hours in fall and spring). To request reinstatement, complete the form “Scholarship: Request for Awarding or Reinstatement” in myLipscomb prior to the last day to drop classes with a partial refund as listed on the official school calendar for each semester. Late requests will be deferred to the following semester.

Other Institutional Aid

Students whose Lipscomb cumulative grade point average falls below a “C” (2.0) will lose all institutional aid in the next semester of enrollment. Current freshmen on academic warning will not lose institutional aid. Exceptions to this policy may be granted at the discretion of the associate provost for student academic support. Institutional aid will not be reinstated until the cumulative grade point average is at or above 2.0. Requests must be submitted in writing to the financial aid office for reinstatement by the “Last Day to Drop Classes with Partial Refund” date as listed on the official calendar each semester.

Financial Assistance for Students Subject to Disciplinary Probation

The university will review the record of each recipient of financial assistance who has been placed on disciplinary or chapel probation, is suspended, expelled, or dismissed from the university, or arrested and convicted as a result of a violation of applicable law or university policy. In such cases, students who have accordingly violated terms of the Student Handbook or applicable law may forfeit their financial assistance, as determined in the discretion of the Office of Student Life.

Satisfactory Academic Progress to Maintain Federal Financial Aid

Federal regulations require that all federal financial aid recipients MUST be enrolled in a degree-seeking program and maintain satisfactory academic progress toward a degree to maintain eligibility. The university monitors each student’s cumulative grade point average, completion rate and maximum time frame for completion of a degree, consistent with the provisions of this policy. All federal financial aid programs at Lipscomb University are held to this policy.

In order to receive federal financial aid, students must be making satisfactory academic progress. The university is required to apply standards that are both qualitative and quantitative.


Students must be accepted for admission and be eligible to enroll for classes. In addition, students must achieve and maintain a cumulative grade point average based on each program’s academic requirements.


All students must earn a cumulative minimum of 66.7 percent of all hours attempted. Students cannot receive federal aid after attempting 150 percent of the hours required for completion of their academic program.

The federal government expects a student to pass at least 66.7 percent of all attempted hours, not earned hours. Attempted hours include all “W,” “F,” “NC,” “U,” “I” or “IP,” and/or dropped courses. Satisfactory academic progress is reviewed by the financial aid office at the end of each term in which a student receives Title IV aid. Students placed on federal financial aid warning or probation will be notified by email to their Lipscomb email address. Students on warning must pass 75 percent of their attempted hours in the semester in which they are currently enrolled. If the student does not pass 75 percent, the student will be placed on financial aid probation.

All probations may be appealed in writing by completing a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form (located in the financial aid office). All appeals must include documentation of any unusual circumstance that contributed to the probation. A plan must be in place to ensure success of the student the following semester that will allow the student to meet future minimum satisfactory academic progress requirements and be signed by a faculty member (or appropriate instructor). Federal financial aid warning or probation is not the same as Lipscomb University academic probation or suspension. If a student receives a grade change or satisfies an incomplete grade after satisfactory academic progress is confirmed, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the financial aid office during the appeal process.

Completion Rate

Students must earn 66.7 percent of their cumulative credits attempted to remain eligible for financial aid. Grades of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “S,” and “I” count as credits earned. All courses for credit will be counted as hours attempted including withdrawals, incompletes, courses repeated and courses receiving a grade of “NC,” “U,” and “F.”

Warning. Students whose completion rate is greater than 50 percent but less than the required 66.7 percent will be placed on warning.

Probation. Students whose completion rate is less than 50 percent of the credit hours attempted, or those previously placed on warning whose completion rate does not improve by the next review, will be suspended from eligibility for federal grants, loans and federal work-study employment. Probations may be appealed through the financial aid office.

Time Limitations

Undergraduates. The maximum time limitation for the completion of a first degree is limited to 150 percent of the program’s published length. Most undergraduate programs require 126 hours (some degrees require additional hours), so the average maximum attempted hours allowed is 189. This time limitation does not include remedial or developmental courses for which the maximum federal limitation is 30 hours. The 189 hours includes all transfer hours, all attempted hours and hours attempted while not receiving financial aid. Students who change majors during their junior or senior year will be allowed 24 additional attempted hours to obtain a degree. The registrar’s office must have the change of major recorded prior to reaching the 189 hour limitation.

Second Degree Students. Students who are pursuing a second bachelor’s degree must declare the intent to pursue a second degree to the registrar’s office and have an approved plan on file. This approved plan must also be submitted to the financial aid office to determine aid eligibility and reasonable time frame for completion of second degree.

Graduates. The maximum time limitation for graduate students will be 150 percent of the standards established by the graduate studies office and published in the Graduate Catalog. Hours accepted for transfer credit will reduce this time frame.

Review of Progress Standards

Grade-Point Average. The financial aid office reviews the GPA at the end of each fall and spring semester. Hours taken in the summer will count in the cumulative GPA.

Completion Rate. The financial aid office reviews the completion rate at the end of each semester.

Time Limitation. The financial aid office reviews the maximum time limitation at the end of each semester.

Repeated Courses. The registrar’s office will calculate the GPA for students who repeat a course at the end of each semester. Students must notify the financial aid office if a repeated course would impact academic progress.


Over 150 Hours. Students who have attempted over 150 credit hours will receive an email at their Lipscomb email addresses from the financial aid office notifying them of the 189-hour limitation on federal financial aid.

Warning. Students placed on financial aid warning will receive an email at their Lipscomb email addresses from the financial aid office notifying them of their financial aid status and the expected requirements. Each student will be allowed at least one probationary period during the course of his or her enrollment.

Probation. Students on probation from financial aid will receive an email at their Lipscomb email addresses from the financial aid office notifying them that they have been placed on probation. Students will be allowed to appeal their probation by completing the appeal form and if they can provide documentation of extenuating circumstances beyond their control that significantly contributed to their academic performance. Examples would include the death of an immediate family member, an extended medical illness, etc. The financial aid office will work with each student to determine approval or denial of an appeal. Provisions may also be made for students who have military credits that cannot be counted toward a degree.

Financial Aid Probation Appeals. An internal committee composed of financial aid staff reviews student appeals. Each student will be notified of the appeal decision, and if denied, what action must be taken to regain financial aid eligibility. If denied, a student may attend Lipscomb University at his or her own expense with no institutional, federal or state aid.

No Credit Hours Earned. A student who earns no credit hours for one semester will be placed on warning. A student who earns no credit hours for the last two semesters enrolled will be placed on probation from federal financial aid. However, the student may appeal the probation.

Teacher Licensure. Students who have completed an undergraduate degree and are enrolled for the sole purpose of attaining teacher licensure are eligible for loans at the undergraduate level. To receive aid, students must be enrolled at least half-time in required teacher certification course work. Student must submit a Non-Degree Special Exception Form (available in the financial aid office and on myLipscomb) signed by both the student and the program coordinator.

Exceptions. The university may suspend a student’s financial assistance in the event of extraordinary circumstances that are not accounted for in this policy. In all instances, the student will be notified of the appeal process.

Student Consumer Rights and Responsibilities

Education after high school costs you time, money and effort. It is a big investment, and as a student and a consumer, you should carefully evaluate the education or training you are considering. To help you make a good choice, you should have information on a school’s academic program, facilities, dropout rates, full cost of attendance, stipend policy, financial aid programs and any other information you think will help you to make a decision.

Student Rights

You have the right to ask a school:

  1. What financial assistance is available, including information on all federal, state and institutional financial aid programs.
  2. What the deadlines are for submitting applications for each of the financial aid programs available.
  3. What is its cost of attendance, and what are its policies on stipends to students who drop out.
  4. What criteria it uses to select financial aid recipients.
  5. How it determines your financial need. This process includes how costs for tuition and fees, room and board, travel, books and supplies, and personal and miscellaneous expenses are considered in your budget.
  6. What resources (such as parental contribution, other financial aid, your assets, etc.) are considered in the calculation of your need.
  7. How much of your financial need, as determined by the institution, has been met.
  8. To explain the various programs in your student aid package. If you believe you have been treated unfairly, you may request reconsideration of the award which was made to you.
  9. What portion of the financial aid you receive must be repaid, and what portion is grant aid. If the aid is a loan, you have the right to know what the interest rate is, the total amount that must be repaid, the payback procedures, the length of time you have to repay the loan, and when repayment is to begin.
  10. How the school determines whether you are making satisfactory progress and what happens if you are not.

Student Responsibilities

It is your responsibility to:

  1. Review and consider all information about a school’s program before you enroll.
  2. Pay special attention to your application for student financial aid, complete it accurately, and submit it  on time to the right place. Errors can delay your receiving financial aid. Intentional misreporting of information on application forms for federal financial aid is a violation of law and is considered a criminal offense subject to penalties under the U.S. Criminal Code.
  3. Submit all additional documentation, verification, corrections and/or new information requested by either the financial aid office or the agency to which you submitted your application.
  4. Read and understand all forms you are asked to sign and keep copies of them.
  5. Accept responsibility for all agreements you sign.
  6. If you have a loan, notify the lender of changes in your name, address or school status.
  7. Perform in a satisfactory manner the work that is agreed upon in accepting a federal Work-Study award.
  8. Know and comply with the deadlines for application or reapplication for aid.
  9. Know and comply with your school’s stipend procedures.
  10. All students who have received a loan must report at the time of withdrawal, transfer or graduation to the financial aid office for an exit interview.

For further information on scholarships or financial aid, call or write: Financial Aid Office, Lipscomb University, One University Park Drive, Nashville, Tenn. 37204-3951. In the Nashville area, call 615.966.1791, or from outside the area, toll-free at 1.800.333.4358, ext. 1791, or visit us on the web at www.lipscomb.edu.


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