Feb 19, 2025  
2022-23 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-23 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life

The Lipscomb faculty, staff, and administration seek to provide a transformative educational environment in classrooms, labs, internships, and one-on-one faculty-student engagement. At the same time, the Lipscomb community recognizes that a rich and rewarding college experience that helps shape the total person goes beyond a life of study. Student Life exists to create a culture that offers students from any and every background the opportunity to build relationships and discover places to belong. We welcome and orient new students, and also try to build a culture of communal life, whether the student resides on campus or commutes. Student Life settles students into Lipscomb housing and cares for them once they have a room to call home. We walk alongside students to develop resumes and make job connections, and we welcome veterans into a community where we’ve “got their backs.” The Student Life Team maintains life-giving community standards and nurtures a safe and secure environment in which students can maintain good mental and emotional health and be cared for in times of need or crisis. We oversee student engagement through social clubs, student activities, student organizations, athletics, and the Student Government Association, giving many opportunities for relationships, growth, and fun. Through Student Life, we seek to activate bold faith, offering spaces for students to grow spiritually as image-bearers of God and discover their God-given vocation to impact and serve the world. In this way, the entire Lipscomb community is committed to helping a student grow into their whole self, becoming the person God calls them to be.

Spiritual Formation at Lipscomb

The collegiate experience includes a process of formation. This process of formation is inevitable; every person is shaped or formed into a certain kind of human being, even if they do not have a particular goal in view. The specific goal of Christian spiritual formation at Lipscomb is to take the form of Jesus, to become like Jesus in all aspects of life. Because we are a Christian university, founded on the values and virtues of Jesus, we want all students to recognize and respect the centrality of Jesus in Lipscomb’s identity, mission, and spiritual formation goals. At the same time, we welcome and invite students from any background, religious or irreligious, and acknowledge the importance of everyone’s freedom of choice. No matter the student’s faith perspective, we hope to help the student in ways that give them opportunities to grow and become a whole, healthy, and equipped human being, ready to excel in their future settings.

A partial list of the means for the pursuit of spiritual formation at Lipscomb includes Bible classes; the Gathering and Breakouts (chapel); service projects; mentoring; mission trips; dorm Bible studies; relationships with other students, faculty, and staff; and guest speakers and artists.

The mere presence of the activities listed above, however, does not guarantee meaningful results in the area of spiritual formation. A plan for spiritual formation in a university context must give attention to three realities:

1) the variety of students’ backgrounds and learning styles,
2) the importance of encouraging active engagement rather than passive observation, and
3) the need to move from required activities to internalized habits.


We believe that the communal pursuit of God is one of our primary callings as followers of Jesus. The Office of Vocation & Spiritual Formation intentionally creates spaces for community members to engage with God and each other. These spaces are a) communal rhythms, b) small, consistent communities, and c) one-on-one relationships.

The Gathering

The Gathering provides a weekly community rhythm when our entire campus comes together to connect with God through Scripture and worship, and to build community with each other. The Office of Vocation & Spiritual Formation establishes a specific spiritual formation plan each semester for this weekly assembly. The semester theme is reflected in the day’s message and supplemented with accompanying biblical texts, songs, and spiritual practices intended to reinforce each weekly theme. The Gathering is primarily led by faculty, staff, and students, but from time-to-time guest speakers and artists join us to affirm the greater purposes of spiritual formation and community building. In addition, the assembly gives us an opportunity to share Lipscomb family news and keep community members informed about community events.


Through Breakouts, we invite students to participate in a smaller, consistent community in which they have the opportunity to connect with God and other community members more intimately. Students can choose between a wide variety of Lipscomb community groups, themes, and group sizes, based on their curiosities, communities, and callings. Students commit to one of these groups each semester to experience consistent community and deep relationship.

Chapel Requirements/Credits

Because Lipscomb leadership believes that chapel experiences through the Gathering and Breakouts can be a significant part of a student’s formation, the University requires that every undergraduate student attend. At the same time, we acknowledge that Christian spiritual formation cannot ultimately be required because it is based upon a personal decision and commitment. Full-time traditional undergraduate students are required to attend 80% of the Gatherings and 80% of their chosen Breakout each semester. Attendance is tracked through the iAttended app. Students with conflicts or non-traditional schedules may contact the Office of Vocation & Spiritual Formation. Please see the Student Handbook for more details on requirements.

Simply attending a Gathering or Breakout does not produce spiritual growth. For that reason, we strive to make these times as meaningful as possible in order to encourage participation, not just attendance. The greatest growth occurs, however, when students choose to activate their faith through any number of additional spiritual practices: going on a mission trip, participating in justice movements, doing a prayer walk, helping feed the homeless, gathering for a time of praise, or getting away on a contemplative retreat, for example. An ever-growing array of such opportunities exists at Lipscomb, and those who choose to participate in them frequently find their lives transformed in the process.

We realize that we have our students for a limited amount of time. Once they leave Lipscomb, they will not likely be in an environment in which they will be required to attend Bible classes or chapel. Therefore, we seek to equip and inspire them to pursue a lifelong path of spiritual formation..


What do you want to become? How will you make a difference in this world? What does it mean for you to be truly successful? What are your greatest dreams and highest aspirations? These are the kinds of big questions students bring to the college experience, and these are the kinds of questions the Office of Spiritual Formation is committed to helping you answer. We are here to help students discern or discover their deep purpose, arising from their gifts, personality, and passions, as they intersect with the needs of the world around them. This intersection is what we call vocation. Part of vocational discernment, then, is to point students beyond merely thinking about a career and to inspire their thinking about calling. We believe that God-given calling may be lived faithfully and missionally in all sectors of life. The Office of Vocation & Spiritual Formation works with academic departments and others in Student Life to equip our students to learn how to think and live as a nurse, engineer, teacher, doctor, or other professional. So, from the first college class to the moment the student exits the stage with a diploma, we hope to help them discover the person God created them to be and to prepare them to live out God’s call on their lives with purpose so that they can experience the joy and genuine human flourishing of a life lived for God.

Lipscomb Mentoring Network 

The Lipscomb Mentoring Network provides an opportunity for freshmen to connect with volunteer mentors in order to ease the transition into the college experience and the Lipscomb community. Mentoring helps make Lipscomb and Nashville feel a bit smaller and builds relationships between students, faculty and staff, and members of the Nashville community.

Community Life


As an off-campus student, you are among the 1,400 Lipscomb University undergraduate students who commute to campus. 

Lipscomb is located in an urban environment providing easy access to our community and downtown Nashville. We advocate for the growing population of students living off-campus and recognize the unique needs of living in the surrounding neighborhoods of the University.

Our Commuter Student Program is dedicated to the support and engagement of this student population. Regardless of whether you reside two blocks from campus or two hours, through a variety of resources and support, our office is committed to supporting your student experience as a Lipscomb Bison. Contact candace.williams@lipscomb.edu with any questions about Commuter Student Life.

Social Clubs

Approximately 20-25% of undergraduate students are involved in Social Clubs. These clubs are chartered only at Lipscomb University and work to promote the spiritual mission of the school while providing avenues for social development on campus. Currently, there are 10 social clubs overseen by the Office of Community Life. The Interclub Council (ICC) and social club advisors play a vital role in working with the deans to provide leadership and direction for the clubs. Major club activities include Singarama, formals, Cowboy Show, Goatfest, Full Moon Fest, Laser Night, Sunflower Festival, and a variety of service projects.

Student Activities Board (SAB)

SAB’s mission is to provide a space and opportunities for students to come together around events that they wouldn’t normally attend together. We are passionate about keeping campus alive during gap periods by creating programs and events that the student body will attend.

SAB is made up of five student workers who plan and execute the events and ten student volunteers who aid the workers in seeing each event come to fruition. The Student Activities Board is a student-led programming organization responsible for planning, coordinating, organizing, and hosting various social opportunities on and off-campus that are inclusive and welcoming to the entire Lipscomb community. Contact louis.nelms@lipscomb.edu or madison.wonders@lipscomb.edu with any questions about Lipscomb’s SAB.

Student Organizations

The Office of Community Life offers more than 50 groups and organizations in which students may be involved. The diversity of focus and interest provides avenues for all of our students to address their interests and attain a sense of acceptance and belonging. The major organizational groupings are: General Interest, Cultural/Affinity, Ministry/Service, and Sports and Recreation. To learn more about how to get involved with Student Organizations or to hear about upcoming events, stop by one of the Student Organization Fairs hosted in the Bennett Campus Center every month of the school year. Student Organizations are open to all students who are interested in being a part of one and maintain yearly open enrollment.

Professional and Academic Organizations such as certain Honor Societies are housed within individual Colleges at Lipscomb and more information can be found about them within the corresponding academic offices. These types of organizations are specific to GPA, field of study, or career plan and are not included in monthly Community Life Student Organization Fairs.

Student Government Association (SGA)

The Student Government Association (comprised of 28 senators and four executive officers elected to serve for the academic year) partners with the Office of Student Life in providing opportunities for undergraduate students to get involved in various activities.

Residence Life

Lipscomb realizes the importance of providing clean, well-maintained residence halls for students who are required to live on campus. Unmarried students are required to live in one of the campus residence halls unless they meet at least one of the following criteria: students 21 years of age and older; senior students with 90 credit hours; students living with their parents in their permanent residence in the Nashville area; or transfer student.s Married students and students over 25 years old are not allowed to live in the campus residence halls. Exceptions must be approved by the Dean of Housing and Residence Life as indicated in the Student Handbook. Contact the Director of Housing at 615.966.6062 for questions regarding housing on campus.

Lipscomb provides married student housing to those qualified married students who are receiving gift aid (all institutional grants and qualifying non-institutional grants) totaling a full grant-in-aid. The availability of this housing is extremely limited and those interested should contact the Office of Rental Properties at 615.966.6173 for further information.

Career Development Center

The Career Development Center facilitates the development process by which students become ethical professionals who are self-aware, engaged, resourceful, and ready to meet the demands of tomorrow’s workplace. We are dedicated to providing professional development opportunities and connecting students and alumni to employers. We assist students with career exploration, resumes, cover letters, interview preparation, internship connections, job searches, and mentoring connections. 

Lipscomb University students may utilize the CDC’s services any time after being accepted. When classes begin, they are granted an account in Handshake, our online internship and job posting website that can be found at lipscomb.joinhandshake.com. Most importantly, students are encouraged to set individual appointments with the Career Center liaison for their academic area. This allows the Career Center to provide tailored services to students and help them with unique needs. Students may email the Career Development Center at careerdevelopment@lipscomb.edu.


The Career Development Center encourages students to utilize available personality and vocational interest testing given through the centralized Career Development Center. Individual career counseling sessions can be scheduled with CDC staff to further discuss the assessments in regards to the selection of a major or career path or the evaluation of job opportunities.

The Career Development Center offers two one-hour classes for students. Personal and Career Exploration helps students explore career options and choose a major best suited for their goals. Professional Advantages is a one-hour class designed for juniors and seniors that need help preparing for professional life after graduation. 


Internships allow students to gain real-world experience. The CDC encourages students to participate in multiple internships to assist them in determining career fit and to gain valuable experience prior to graduation. Many internships and work opportunities can be found on Handshake, but students are also encouraged to search through LinkedIn, Indeed, and networking.


Career networking, recruiting events, and practice interviews are held on campus each semester to facilitate the process by which students connect with employers. Career fairs and networking events are tailored for particular majors. Lipscomb University is also part of the local consortium of schools that hosts the Nashville Area Career Fair each spring.

Student Wellbeing

The Office of Student Wellbeing promotes the holistic health and wellbeing of campus through intentional programming, education, and one-on-one relationship development. This is done by fostering growth and curiosity in all areas by calling students into the person and gifting God created them to be during their time at Lipscomb University through our programming, practices, and personal relationships. Areas of responsibility include New Student Orientation programs for both freshman and transfer undergraduate students coordinated by Corey Shannon, corey.shannon@lipscomb.edu, New Student Programs Coordinator. Two Student Care Coordinators Sarah McCormack, sarah.mccormack@lipscomb.edu, and Laura Thorson laura.thorson@lipscomb.edu, who both work to support and connect students to resources both on and off campus. Kegan York, kegan.york@lipscomb.edu, serves of the Director of Campus Recreation and Wellness and Rachel Gage, rachel.gage@lipscomb.edu, as the Assistant Director,overseeing the Student Activities Center and Intramural programs. Dannie Woods, dannie.woods@lipscomb.edu, serves as the Dean of Student Wellbeing and chairing the university Behavioral Intervention Team. For more information about the Office of Student Wellbeing and its services, visit www.lipscomb.edu/studentwellbeing.

University Counseling Center

The University Counseling Center offers a variety of free counseling services provided by licensed professional counselors, and counselors in training under supervision.

Access to our full range of counseling services is available to currently enrolled University students who need help with a variety of issues. Some mental health issues are best served off of campus and a list of those is available on the counseling center website. In those cases, referral services are available to help students connect with the appropriate resources. Telehealth counseling is also available through the TimelyCare resource described below. 

The Counseling Center also provides various on-campus education programs, support groups, break-out chapels, and other events that provide opportunities to encourage and support student mental health and wellness.

Our counseling services are confidential, except where the law requires disclosure (details are available in the informed consent for counseling). No one outside of the counseling center has access to a student’s records, and counseling records are not part of the student’s educational record.

The Counseling Center is located in the SAC (Student Activities Center), at the corner entrance facing the Bell Tower and the Ezell Center, located just off the elevator on the second floor, above Au Bon Pain. Normal operating hours are M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

University students may request an appointment on the University Counseling Center website at lipscomb.edu/counselingcenter, on their myLipsomb account, or by coming into the office to make a request.  The phone number is 615-966-1781.  After office hours, call 911 if it is an emergency. In a mental health crisis, call Mobile Crisis at 1-855-CRISIS-1 or Lipscomb Security at 615-966-7600 (if on campus). 

Your college years will be some of the most exciting and memorable years of your life.  They might also be filled with challenges, questions, and anxiety.  That’s when it can be helpful to know someone is available to help, listen and support you when you need it most.  The University Counseling Center is dedicated to ensuring you have what you need to feel successful and supported throughout your time on campus.  Seeking help through the Counseling Center does not imply weakness.  It shows strength and a personal commitment to becoming a stronger person.

Timely Care

Lipscomb University is excited to offer TimelyCare - a new telehealth program for students. The service will provide access to 24/7 medical and mental virtual health care from anywhere in the United States, with no cost to visit!

Whether you’re under the weather, anxious or overwhelmed, you will be able to talk to a licensed provider from your smartphone or any web-enabled device. Providers are available to offer medical and mental health support via phone or secure video visits. Check out the FAQs below to learn more.

Q. How can students access TimelyCare?
A. Students can go to timleycare.com/lipscomb to register with their school email address. Students can then have visits from any web-enabled device - smartphone, laptop, or desktop. TimelyCare is available from anywhere in the United States.

Q. Who can use TimelyCare?
A. Any Lipscomb University student.

Q. What services are available?
A. The following services are available:

  • Medical: 24/7, on-demand or scheduled access to a medical provider that can treat a wide range of common illnesses like cold and flu, sinus infection, allergies, and more

  • TalkNow: 24/7, on-demand access to a mental health professional to talk about anything at anytime

  • Scheduled Counseling: scheduled options to speak to a licensed counselor

  • Health Coaching: access to a nutritional specialist to help students adopt healthier lifestyle behaviors related to sleep issues, weight management, and more

  • Psychiatry: services provided by Lipscomb counseling referral

Q. Where can I go to have privacy on campus?
A.  Students can reserve study rooms in the library, talk in their car, ask a roommate for some privacy for an hour, or talk to their RHD about other spots in the dorm they might be able to use. 

Q. How much does a visit cost?
A. TimelyCare services are free to all Lipscomb University students.

Veteran Services

Whether a military member, veteran, or dependent, the Veteran Services Office (VSO) will provide the student with personalized support to meet their needs as a Lipscomb student. With over 38 years of enlisted service, our team is here to serve those who have served our country.

Lipscomb, a G.I. Job’s top Military Friendly School and one of Military Times’ Top 25 Best for Vets Business Schools, provides veterans and their dependents with an academically challenging degree program that fits your career goals, along with a Christ-centered community to deepen their faith. 

The experienced VSO team is available to students to guide them through any kind of question, from VA benefits to degree programs to student life. We create events specifically designed for veterans - veteran orientation sessions, professional development training, and job placement opportunities. We are committed to coaching them through each step. 

Veterans have created tremendous legacies in this country already. The Lipscomb VSO wants to prepare veterans for the next journey ahead.

Health Services

Students at Lipscomb University can conveniently receive healthcare from nurse practitioners and registered nurses for common illnesses and injuries including testing, diagnosis, and prescriptions. Health Services is located adjacent to Bison Inn on the North end of Campus. Normal clinic hours during the school year are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, with shortened hours during the summer. The clinic is closed for holidays and when the university is closed.
There is a sliding scale beginning at $20 per visit for consumable products. Payment for prescription medications, imaging, and laboratory services will be up to the student and may be billed to his/her health insurance plan. The Health Center does not currently bill insurance for in-house services. Health insurance is highly recommended for students and is required for international students. Allergy shot administrations, TB skin tests, and many vaccinations are available for a fee for students, faculty, and staff.
All new students MUST submit their health forms to Med+Proctor. Please see emails you will receive for further instructions. It is required prior to class registration, and incomplete accounts could cause a hold to go on your record until all pieces are completed. For more detailed instructions regarding your Med+ Proctor account, please visit https://www.lipscomb.edu/student-life/health-wellness/health-center
The state of Tennessee requires all students born after 1956 to provide proof of two measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccinations or a titer showing immunity. All students born after 1979 must also have two varicella (chickenpox) vaccines or history of the disease which can be shown through a positive blood titer.
The hepatitis B (HBV) series is required for all health science students, and the meningococcal vaccine (MCV) is required for residential students because of the increased risk of this disease with college-age students. If the student (or parent/guardian for those under age 18) chooses to refuse the HBV or MCV after reviewing the information about the risk factor and dangers of each disease, he/she may sign a waiver refusing administration of the vaccines. All students must also have TB screening in the form of a skin test, blood test or risk factor questionnaire within the last year; further guidance is given on the TB Screening Questionnaire. Proof of treatment for any positive TB test must be included as well as a copy of a chest x-ray. Health profession students have additional requirements outlined by their respective schools or departments.



Lipscomb University is committed to sportsmanship and fellowship as well as academic and athletic excellence. The Lipscomb University athletic program is an active member of the NCAA at the Division I level and is a member of the ASUN Conference. Lipscomb University competes in the men’s intercollegiate sports of baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, tennis, and track and field.
Lipscomb University women participate in basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, tennis softball, volleyball and track and field. Lipscomb also offers the finest in athletic facilities. The 5,000-seat Allen Arena hosts Lipscomb basketball and volleyball, serves as home for chapel and houses the athletic department. Ken Dugan Field at Stephen Lee Marsh Stadium serves as home to our baseball program while Draper Diamond at Smith Stadium provides a magnificent setting for our softball program. In April 2010 the 2,200-square-foot Huston-Marsh-Griffith Tennis Center was officially opened, housing a pro shop with a retail store.

Intramural Sports

Intramural sports are a vital part of campus life. The Student Activities Center and intramural field opened in 1991. Activities offered in the fall include the annual home run derby, softball, fall golf scramble, co-ed volleyball and flag football. In the spring, activities include basketball, dodgeball, racquetball, ping pong and badminton tournaments, flag football, soccer, ultimate Frisbee and spring golf scramble.
Throughout the year, various tournaments in basketball are offered such as a three-on-three, five-on-five and free throw/ three-point shooting contests.
Team sport competition is divided into both independent and club leagues. The independent league is open to all students enrolled at Lipscomb, whereas the club league is open only to those students who are members of social clubs and who meet all eligibility requirements set forth by the Office of Student Life.
In addition to intramurals, free play recreation is offered. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the SAC and its facilities including two basketball courts, weight room, indoor running/walking track, aerobics room and four racquetball courts.

Student Growth

A student attending Lipscomb University should grow intellectually, spiritually, physically and socially. Lipscomb students should be honest and truthful in all matters; abide by campus regulations; respect and obey existing local, state and federal laws; respect private and public property; observe biblical standards of conduct; and respect the rights of others. Every student is expected to familiarize himself/ herself with the Student Handbook and honor the rules and policies articulated within the handbook. Questions regarding student conduct and/or behavior should be directed to the senior vice president for student life.

Academic Integrity: A Community of Faith

A Community of Faith
Lipscomb University is a community of scholars and learners committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our core values of Christlikeness, truth, excellence and service integrate our Christian faith with the practice of academic pursuits. As citizens of this community, students, faculty and staff share the responsibility for promoting a climate of integrity. As a distinctively Christian university, Lipscomb encourages each member of the community to grow in Christ’s image. The pursuit of truth is a constant goal of the Christian life and lays the foundation for lifelong integrity. In every facet of our work, we seek excellence in the pursuit of knowledge and the courage to make difficult choices even at personal cost. In our service in this community, our actions should reflect the second great command “to love your neighbor as yourself.” The command compels us to respect others, to treat others fairly and honestly, and to assume personal responsibility.
The life of the Christian is built on the foundation of serving others and living in truth. A community built on these principles cannot tolerate cheating, lying, fraud, theft and other dishonest behaviors that jeopardize the rights and welfare of the community and diminish the worth of the academic integrity of the community.
Judicial Code and Integrity Council
The foregoing Community of Faith sets out broad principles. From these broad principles flow policies and practices for members of the Lipscomb University community. The Judicial Code and Integrity Council identifies specific definitions of academic integrity infractions, provides a process for handling potential violations, and identifies the specific steps in the process. The Judicial Code and Integrity Council can be found on myLipscomb and a summary is available at www.lipscomb.edu/academics/academic-support/academic-integrity.

Community Accountability - Whistleblower Policy

Lipscomb University is committed to providing all members of the university community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, vendors and guests, with a safe and productive environment. If any member of the university community has reason to believe or reasonably suspect that the university or any of its agents is acting contrary to any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, or contrary to any established university policy, that person may report such action or activity without fear of reprisal or retaliation. Information regarding this policy is available through the Office of General Counsel.

Intellectual Property Policy

The university has a policy regarding intellectual property. This policy exists to encourage research and innovation, clarify ownership of intellectual property rights, create opportunities for public use of the university innovations and provide for the equitable distribution of monetary and other benefits derived from intellectual property. Copies of the full policy are available through the Office of the Provost.

Email Accounts

All students are issued a Lipscomb email account. That email must be checked regularly for campus information, class announcements, etc. The Lipscomb email account serves as the official means of electronic communication with students. Students are expected to monitor and regularly check this account for messages. The student may forward the Lipscomb account to an account that he or she checks daily.


Every student who parks on campus must register his or her vehicle and have a Lipscomb parking sticker.

ID Cards 

All students must have a Lipscomb ID card. Students taking any course work on campus, who do not have an ID made, will be placed on hold and not allowed to register for the next term.

NOTE: Students seeking to enroll in the Doctor of Pharmacy program should consult those portions of the catalog for specifics related to that program.