Feb 11, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Academic Information

Academic Integrity

A Community of Faith

Lipscomb University is a community of scholars and learners committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our core values of Christ-likeness, truth, excellence and service integrate our Christian faith with the practice of academic pursuits. As citizens of this community, students, faculty and staff share the responsibility for promoting a climate of integrity.

As a distinctively Christian university, the desire is for each member of the community to grow in Christ’s image. The pursuit of truth is a constant goal of the Christian life and lays the foundation for lifelong integrity. In every facet of our work, we seek excellence in the pursuit of knowledge and the courage to make difficult choices even at personal cost. In our service in this community, our actions should reflect the second great command “to love your neighbor as yourself.” This command compels us to respect others, to treat others fairly and honestly and to assume personal responsibility.

The life of the Christian is built on the foundation of serving others and living in truth. A community built on these principles cannot accept cheating, lying, fraud, theft and other dishonest behaviors that jeopardize the rights and welfare of the community and diminish the worth of academic integrity of the community.

Judicial Code and Integrity Council

The foregoing Community of Faith sets out broad principles. From these broad principles flow policies and practices for members of the Lipscomb University community. The Judicial Code and Integrity Council identifies specific definitions of academic integrity infractions, provides a process for handling potential violations, and identifies the specific steps in the process. The Judicial Code and Integrity Council can be found on myLipscomb and a summary is available at www.lipscomb.edu/academics/academic-support/academic-integrity.

Multiple Masters’ Degrees

Graduate students may request to concurrently pursue more than one master’s degree. Guidelines for requesting admission to multiple masters’ degrees (other than admission to specifically developed dual degree programs) can be obtained from the Office of the Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Studies. For guidelines regarding specifically developed dual degree graduate programs refer to the following section entitled Dual Degree Programs.

Dual Degree Programs

Admissions: All stated admissions policies and procedures outlined in the graduate catalog for each cooperating graduate program offering dual degree options will apply during the catalog year of admission and enrollment.

• Candidates wishing to complete the MBA/ISP dual program must independently apply to each program.

• Candidates must gain approval from each individual graduate program, regardless of if the student chooses a dual degree option before or after being admitted to an individual program.​

• Prospective dual degree candidates can request a change to dual degree status from cooperating programs at any time prior to graduation from the former admitted graduate program.

• If a student has already received a diploma from a cooperating graduate dual degree program, the student is ineligible for the dual degree option.

Course work: Dual degree programs represent curriculum developed and agreed upon by both cooperating graduate programs, with approval by their respective academic supervisors, graduate academic leadership team, academic leadership team and the registrar, with appropriate SACSCOC notification.

• All dual degree program course work is clearly described and listed in the graduate catalog.

• The majority of course work within cooperating graduate dual degree programs should be completed as outlined and arranged by the cooperating programs. However, some cooperating dual degree program courses may be taken where they are normally offered within the context of a concentration or within the context of elective selection.

Academic Standards and Policies: All Lipscomb dual degree programs adhere to existing policies in all participating academic units that are consistent with the policies described herein.

• Upon completion of the minimum requirements for graduation from each cooperating dual degree program, two diplomas will be issued.


Registration for graduate courses is done in conjunction with the appropriate graduate studies office. Students will be able to register for classes through my.Lipscomb.edu, after meeting with their academic adviser, program director, or the registrar’s office. Registration will be permitted prior to the first class session. For information on adding or dropping courses, see General Financial Information .

Priority Registration

Approved student groups impacted by institutional or external expectations/obligations or by other constraints beyond their control, will be allowed to register in advance of the scheduled registration window (maybe ‘timeframe’).

Students in the following groups are eligible to participate in priority registration.

  • Active military or veteran students
  • Student athletes
  • Honor College Students 

The Registrar’s Office emails eligible students with detailed directions and their window for registration and sets priority registration dates each semester.


Each semester, holds are placed on students’ accounts when there is outstanding business they need to resolve.  Some holds will prevent students from registering for classes for a future term, while others will potentially prevent financial aid from being disbursed.  Students access their specific hold information in the student portal, and we encourage them to check for holds throughout the semester.  The list below contains the most common student holds.

FA - C Code Students

You are on a Financial Aid Disbursement hold because of a C-Code listed on your FAFSA.  This Hold does NOT prevent registration for future semesters.  Please contact the Financial Aid Office at financialaid@lipscomb.edu.

FA - Verification

You are on a Financial Aid Disbursement hold because of incomplete Verification.  This Hold does NOT prevent registration for future semesters.  Please review your Lipscomb email for Verification instructions before contacting the Financial Aid Office at financialaid@lipscomb.edu.

AD - Registration Hold

Please contact the Registrar’s Office.

AD - Advising Required Registration Hold

You are on a registration hold.  Advising is required for registration each term.  Your advisor will clear this hold to allow you to register.

Please, contact your academic advisor.

  The name of your assigned academic advisor is view-able on the main page of the student portal.

If you have a related question, please contact registrar@lipscomb.edu

AD - FERPA Form Hold

You are on a Registration hold due to a missing Federal Education Rights to Privacy form.

For information on how to proceed, please contact: registar@lipscomb.edu

SS - Health Form Hold

You have a Health Hold on your account.

Please contact the Lipscomb Health Clinic to have the Hold removed.

Email: healthservices@Lipscomb.edu

Phone: 615.966.6304

Toll Free Phone: 800.333.4358 ext. 6304

SA - Business Office Hold

You are not able to access registration for classes.  You have a Business Office balance hold.  If you have any questions, please email bursar@lipscomb.edu or call 615.966.1778.

AM - Previous Education Transcript Hold

You are on a Registration hold due to a missing official transcript from a prior school. Please contact the Admissions Office to determine the needed transcript(s).

Student Advising

The appropriate graduate studies offices provide advising to students throughout their programs of study. Students will pursue a master’s or doctoral degree in close consultation with an advisor.


Students not enrolled for two or more consecutive semesters (fall or spring) must reapply by submitting the graduate studies application at least two weeks prior to the start of the semester in which they plan to enroll. Students not enrolled for two years or more must submit a complete admission file before the admissions deadline of the graduate program. Refer to the specific graduate program’s admission policies and procedure for official documentation required.

New Graduate Student Orientation

All graduate students upon acceptance are automatically enrolled in a Canvas course entitled, Graduate Student Orientation to University Resources which provides information about various offices and resources on campus. Students can find the course on their Canvas dashboard course listing.


A student is permitted to audit a course as a nondegree seeking student provided (a) the program allows, (b) there is space in the classroom and (c) the number of auditors is not more than 20 percent of the credit students. Students wishing to audit graduate level courses must present an official transcript reflecting their undergraduate degree. The fee for auditing a course is 50 percent of regular tuition and no credit is earned. With permission of the professor, a student may change his or her registration from credit to audit or from audit to credit during the first four weeks of the semester or equivalent time in non-semester terms. After this time the options are to continue as registered or to withdraw from the course.

Non-Tuition Audit

A student who has successfully completed a graduate degree at Lipscomb University may audit a previously completed course in that same program at no cost (conditions a, b, and c, above, apply). Certain colleges may allow alumni to audit other courses at no cost. Consult with individual colleges regarding college-specific non-tuition audit policies.

Course Load

See individual graduate programs for course load requirements.

Special Examinations (Challenge Procedure)

Although the university does not encourage the use of special examinations, there are situations (e.g., extraordinary experience) in which it seems advisable to allow a student to challenge a course by special examination. This may be either for credit or without credit. In no case should a student expect to challenge a lower-level course in a discipline for which he or she has previously earned advanced level credit. Further information concerning special examinations is available in the registrar’s office. A fee is charged for each special examination (see fee section in this catalog). A student may challenge a particular course only once and cannot challenge a course which he or she has failed or a course in which he or she has been officially enrolled (i.e., if it appears on his or her transcript). A maximum of 6 graduate hours may be substituted by special examination credit.

Thesis/Dissertation/Capstone Project Guidelines

Some graduate programs include a thesis, a dissertation, or a capstone project as part of the academic requirements. Students who write a thesis, a dissertation, or participate in a capstone project should work closely with their advisor and program faculty to make certain that they follow appropriate guidelines and processes for their individual graduate program.

Institutional Review Board

The role of the institutional review board is to review all proposed research involving human subjects to ensure that subjects are treated ethically and that their rights and welfare are adequately protected. The IRB is composed primarily of faculty members from disciplines in which research involving human subjects is integral to that discipline’s work, researchers whose primary interests are non-scientific, as well as members from the community. The IRB review process is administered through the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Administration and Strategic Initiatives. For information regarding IRB processes see www.lipscomb.edu/research/irb.

Grading System and Records

While it may be customary to refer to graduate student enrollment by the number of courses a student takes per term, the academic unit is the semester hour. The three-semester hour course is based upon three 50-minute hours of instruction each week over a period of 16 weeks. In most instances, graduate courses meet for 150 minutes per week. In the College of Education, however, graduate courses are generally 1-, 2-, 3- or 6- semester hour courses, except the 12-semester hour enhanced student teaching experience for students seeking initial teacher licensure.

Class Attendance

Regular class attendance is expected of each student. The classroom experience is considered an integral part of the institution’s educational program. Students who miss a significant amount of class time are subject to failure. Students who expect to miss class should consult with their teachers in advance and additional assignments may be required to compensate for the missed classes.

Students should be present for class unless hindered by unavoidable circumstances.  In all cases of absence, students should notify the professor of the class about the reason for the absence.  With the exception of authorized absences (see definition below), based on the reason for the absence, faculty may use reasonable discretion regarding the make-up of missed work or the applying of academic consequences for absences as stipulated in the course syllabus. However, absences that are authorized absences should always be viewed as non-consequential to the student. 

Any student who misses the equivalent of three weeks of any course may be dismissed from the course: further class attendance will be prohibited and a failing grade will be assigned. (Individual programs and/or faculty have the prerogative to establish a tolerance limit of less than three weeks.) Readmission to the class is by approval of the program director. A copy of the letter of dismissal to the student may be sent to the payer of the student’s bill where approval has been given according to the student’s FERPA rights. The appeal for readmission must be made within one week from the day the notice is mailed to the student. During the appeal interim, the student may not resume class attendance unless the instructor determines that unusual circumstances warrant it. If the appeal is not approved, further class attendance is prohibited and a failing grade will be assigned. 

Students who are removed from classes due to excessive absences and who do not appeal for readmission will be assigned a failing grade at the end of the semester.

An authorized absence is an absence resulting from a university-sponsored and university-funded activity that promotes the institution (i.e., admissions events, athletic events, student ambassador events).  This does not include events such as mission experiences, athletic practice, service-learning activities, and activities affiliated with courses, academic departments, or academic programs of study.  Therefore, an absence may qualify as an excused absence by the professor, but does not qualify as an authorized absence as determined by this definition.

If students miss class due to an authorized absence they are expected to consult with their professor in advance of the absence and arrange to complete any assignments that may be required to compensate for the classes missed.

Students who miss class due to an authorized absence and who have notified the professor before the absence occurs should not be academically penalized in any way for the authorized absence. Failure by the student to notify the professor of the authorized absence prior to its occurrence could void the authorized absence and the associated non-consequential benefits.

Missed work includes, but is not limited to, submitting assignments due on the dates of absence (e.g., papers and projects) and completing assignments associated with in-class activities (e.g., quizzes, tests, labs, discussions, presentations, performances).  Additionally, academic benefits afforded to students who have zero absences should not be denied to students who miss class due to an authorized absence.  Make-up work should be completed either prior to the absence or within a reasonable time frame after the absence as determined by the professor.

Last Date of Attendance/Participation Policy

The last date of attendance/participation in a course is determined based on the content delivery method for the course.  

  1. For in-person and online synchronous courses, the last date of attendance/participation is determined by the last day a student was present for the course (including practicums, internships, etc.) based on the records of the faculty member for the course. 
  2. For online-asynchronous courses, the last date of attendance/participation is determined by the last one of the following to occur based on the records of the faculty member for the course:
  • Student submission of an academic assignment;
  • Student submission of an exam;
  • Student participation in an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction;
  • Posting by student showing participation in an online study group;
  • Posting in a discussion forum showing student’s participation in an online discussion about academic matters; and
  • Last date of course log-in with more than 15 minutes of engagement.

If none of the foregoing events occurred, the last date of attendance/participation in an online-asynchronous course will be deemed to be the first day of class.


Requests for transcripts should be made through the registrar’s homepage via the Lipscomb website (www.lipscomb.edu). Such requests should be submitted at least a week before the transcript is needed. All final decisions on the issuance of transcripts will be made by the registrar. No transcripts will be issued until all financial obligations to the university have been satisfactorily paid or settled. There is a $5.00 fee per transcript.


All work in the university is graded by letters. Each letter is in turn assigned a quality-point value according to the list provided below. For example, a letter grade of “A” carries a quality-point value of four quality points per semester hour. If the student makes an “A” in a three-hour course, the total number of quality points earned for this course would be twelve quality points. Quality points are awarded as follows: “A” = 4; “B” = 3; “C” = 2; “F” = 0.

The overall grade-point average for each student is determined by dividing the number of quality points earned by the total number of hours attempted. Only classes taken at Lipscomb University is included in the computation.

In the case of courses repeated at Lipscomb, only the highest grade will be used in determining the grade point average. The hours attempted will be used only once. For duplicated work, that is, for any course taken both at Lipscomb and another school, the grade of the Lipscomb course will always be used in computing the student’s GPA.

Grades are awarded on an “A” (excellent), “B” (good), “C” (marginal) and “F” (failing) scale.

An “I” (incomplete) may be given under special circumstances, but will be computed as an “F” until the course is completed. In cases where the grade “I” is given, a grade must be established within six weeks (42 calendar days) of the grade being assigned, or the “I” grade will automatically become an “F.” The six week period begins when the grade is assigned, not at the end of the term.  For example, if a student takes a short-term class that ends during the semester (i.e. a term I course) and receives an “I” grade, the six week timeframe for completing the work begins at the end of the short-term class when the grade was assigned.

A “W” is awarded if withdrawal occurs during the designated drop period.

An “X” is noted on the transcript as the designation for an audit.

Grades of “S” (satisfactory) or “U” (unsatisfactory) are typically awarded for thesis work and are not to be included in computation of grade-point average.

An “IP” (in progress) may be given for students enrolled in thesis, dissertation, internship and independent study classes where progress is being made but not completed by the end of term. In cases where the grade of “IP” is given, a grade must be established by the end of the next full semester after the “IP” grade has been given, unless it is a dissertation in extended research. A student who does not return to Lipscomb University will automatically receive an “F” on all in-progress grades after one year. Any variation of these policies must be approved by the Graduate Academic Council.

Grades are available to the student on the Web at the end of every term. Students who need written documentation of grades for employer reimbursement purposes should contact the registrar’s office for assistance. Once grades have been posted to the student’s record in the registrar’s office, they are considered permanent.

Definition of Credit Hour

For purposes of the application of this policy and in accord with federal regulations, a credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time, or at least an equivalent amount of work as required outlined above for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Application: Since several courses and some programs are delivered in a variety of formats, including distance learning, the driving force for delivering a credit hour commences with identifying learning objectives that can be delivered in the 1/2/15 formula as noted in the definition. Using the definition and formula as noted above, granting more than one hour of credit for a course requires using the formula and increasing the student/teacher interaction, etc., via the learning objectives for the equivalent amount of credit hours desired for the course.

Academic Standing

Good Academic Standing: To remain in good academic standing, graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00, unless otherwise stated by a specific academic program. See individual graduate programs for potential variances of additional requirements to this policy. 

Academic Probation: Should a graduate student’s cumulative GPA fall below 3.00, the student will be placed on academic probation for one semester. The student on academic probation must attain a 3.00 semester GPA in order to be continued on academic probation for another semester. If a cumulative GPA o 3.00 is attained by the end of a probation semester, then the student will be restored to good academic standing. See individual graduate programs for potential variances or additional requirements to the policy.  

Plan of Action: When a student is placed on Academic Probation, the student should meet with the program director to develop a “plan of action for improving academic performance.” 

Academic Suspension: If the requisite GPA is not attained during a probation semester, the student will be academically suspended from graduate studies at Lipscomb for one semester, after which the student may apply for readmission. 


Admission to a graduate program does not imply attainment of ‘candidacy’ for that degree. During the course of pursuing the post-baccalaureate degree, the student must be admitted to “candidacy.” See individual graduate programs for candidacy policy.

Statute of Limitations

Each graduate program of study enforces a program-specific statute of limitations for completing degree requirements. In situations where a student has exceeded the time limit to complete a degree, the student should communicate with his or her graduate program director regarding an extension of the time limit. A form requesting an extension is available in the Graduate Studies Office. Part of the form is a written letter requesting an extension and providing justification for the request. The completed form with signatures should be sent to the Office of the Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Studies. Decisions regarding the extension, the length of the extension, and conditions associated with the extension, are made by the program director/ administrators in consultation with the Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Studies.


Students who do not file their intent to graduate form in the Registrar’s Office by the announced application deadline may be delayed in graduating. To be eligible to graduate, all coursework required for the degree must be completed prior to the degree conferral date.

Graduate students receiving degrees are hooded during the May and December commencement exercises.

Student Grievance and Complaint Process

If a student desires to submit a complaint or grievance about a specific course or instructor (other than an issue related to a course grade or academic freedom, which are separately addressed below), the student must adhere to the following process:

1.   The student must first meet with the Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Studies (or its equivalent) to discuss both the nature of the complaint or grievance and the process for resolution. 

2.   If the student decides to proceed with the complaint or grievance, he or she must provide a written statement outlining the complaint or grievance in detail to the Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Studies.

3.   Unless the Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Studies (or its equivalent) determines in his or her sole discretion that the complaint or grievance is frivolous or without merit, the student will then be directed to address the matter by meeting with the appropriate instructor.

4.   If that interaction does not resolve the matter to the student’s satisfaction, the student will be directed to take the matter to the applicable department chair or program director to consider and address the matter.

5.   Should the matter remain unresolved to the student’s satisfaction after that meeting, the student will be directed to meet with the dean of the college in which the applicable department resides for a final determination of the matter.

6.   A student may only appeal the final determination if (a) the procedural aspects of this grievance and complaint process were not properly followed, and the failure significantly affected the student’s right to a fair process, or (b) new information that was previously unavailable has emerged, which would have significantly altered the determination. Any appeal request that fails to reflect either of these grounds as the basis for the appeal will be denied.

7.   A student must submit a formal request for an appeal to the Office of the Provost in a written statement of no more than two pages within five business days from the date the student was notified of the final determination. The goal of the Provost (or his or her designee) will be to respond to the appeal within ten business days, subject to extenuating circumstances (including, without limitation, summer break or other calendar breaks in the academic year). The decision of the Provost (or his or her designee) upon appeal will be final and effective immediately.

Further, if the university does not appropriately resolve the student complaint or grievance to the student’s satisfaction, the student has the right to contact the State of Tennessee to determine the course of action. Complaints can be filed in Tennessee as follows:

  • Complaints related to the application of state laws, rules or regulations related to approval to operate or licensure of a particular professional program shall be referred to the appropriate state licensing board or agency (e.g., Tennessee Board of Nursing or Tennessee Department of Education) and will be reviewed and handled by such board or agency; and
  • Complaints related to state consumer protection laws (e.g., laws related to fraud or false advertising) shall be referred to the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs and will be reviewed and handled by that agency.

Allegations regarding noncompliance with accreditation standards, policies, and procedures may be made to SACSCOC, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033.  SACSCOC’s complaint policy, procedure and complaint form may be found on its website (www.sacscoc.org).

Complaint Process for Non-Tennessee Resident Students Related to Distance Learning

Student complaints relating to consumer protection laws that involve distance learning education offered under the terms and conditions of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (“SARA”) must be first be filed with the university to seek resolution. Complainants not satisfied with the outcome of the university’s internal process may appeal, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission at https://www.tn.gov/thec/bureaus/student-aid-and-compliance/postsecondary-state-authorization/request-for-complaint-review.html.

For purposes of this process, a complaint shall be defined as a formal assertion in writing that the terms of SARA or the laws, standards or regulation incorporated by the SARA Policies and Standards have been violated by the university operating under the terms of SARA.

For a list of SARA member states, visit the NC-SARA website at https://www.nc-sara.org/sara-states-institutions. Students residing in non-SARA states should consult their respective state of residence for further instruction for filing a complaint.

Student Grade Appeal Policy

 Lipscomb University affirms that the responsibility for evaluation of student work and assignment of grades must reside with each individual instructor, and be done in a professional and timely manner. If a student believes an assigned grade is unjustified, improper, or unsubstantiated then the following final grade review policy and procedure applies:

1.   Only final course grades may be appealed. A grade for an individual assignment is reviewable only if the grade was a determinant factor in calculating the final course grade.

2.   Appeal of a final grade must be based on at least one of the following conditions:

    A. The student believes that the instructor was in error in the assessment of the student’s work and the final grade, and consequently the grade should be recalculated or adjusted; or

    B. The student believes that the assigned final grade was unjustified or unfair based on the circumstances (e.g., the assigned grade was arbitrary, capricious, or prejudicial in some way; extenuating circumstances exist that should be considered).

Grade Appeal Process

The grade appeal process intends to provide a fair avenue for students to communicate and address their valid concerns in a timely manner. In extenuating circumstances, including, without limitation, class schedules, school-related travel schedules (such as athletics events or conferences), summer break, and other official calendar breaks in the academic year, the deadlines stated below may be extended at the discretion of the Provost’s Office. Conversely, in certain cases involving accelerated programs, the deadlines stated below may need to be expedited as much as is practicable and feasible based on program requirements, such as course prerequisites or the student’s eligibility to continue forward in a program.

The grade appeal process is as follows:

1.  The student should attempt to resolve the issue directly with the instructor within 10 business days of the date when the grade was posted or otherwise made available. The student appeal must be communicated in writing to the instructor and include the following information:

   A.   Student name:

   B.   College, school, or institute:

   C.   Academic program:

   D.   Course # and title:

   E.   Instructor name:

   F.   Final grade issued:

   G.   Detailed description of the basis for the final grade appeal (based on the valid conditions set forth above for which final grades may be appealed):

   H.   Any relevant supporting documentation or material; and

   I. Description of the remedy being requested.

Such written appeal may be sent via email to the instructor’s Lipscomb email address or delivered in person to the instructor. The instructor will undertake to meet with the student to address the matter within a reasonable amount of time after receiving the written appeal.

2.   If the issue cannot be resolved between the student and the instructor, then the student may deliver the written appeal to the applicable Program Director/Department Chair for review, which must be provided within 20 business days of the date when the grade was posted or otherwise made available. The Program Director/Department Chair will undertake to meet with the student to address the matter within a reasonable amount of time after receiving the written appeal. 

3.  If the issue cannot be resolved between the student and the applicable Program Director/Department Chair or the instructor is the applicable Program Director/Department Chair, then the student may deliver the written appeal to the applicable Dean for review, which must be provided within 30 business days of the date when the grade was posted or otherwise made available. The Dean will undertake to meet with the student to address the matter within a reasonable amount of time after receiving the written appeal.

4.  If the issue cannot be resolved between the student and the applicable Dean, then the student may deliver the written appeal to the Provost’s Office, which must be provided within 40 business days of the date when the grade was posted or otherwise made available.

5.  The written appeal will be reviewed by either the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs or another appropriate administrator selected by the Provost (for undergraduate students) or the Associate Provost for Research and Graduate Studies or another appropriate administrator selected by the Provost (for graduate students), within 50 business days of the date when the grade was posted or otherwise made available. The applicable administrator will determine one of the following:

   A.   The appeal is deemed to be without any merit or insufficient merit to result in any grade change, and is denied. The original grade assigned by the instructor will be deemed final and effective immediately. The Provost’s Office will communicate this decision to the student and instructor in writing.

   B.   The final grade appeal is deemed to have substantive merit such that the final grade may be subject to change, and the Provost’s Office, instructor, Program Director/Department Chair, and/or Dean, as appropriate, will meet within the 50 business-day period to reach an agreeable resolution. If an agreeable resolution is reached, the resultant grade will be deemed final and effective immediately, and the Provost’s Office will communicate the decision to the student and instructor in writing. If an agreeable resolution is not reached, then the Provost (or his or her designee) will appoint a Grade Appeal Committee comprised of three faculty members from either the Undergraduate Academic Council or the Graduate Academic Council, as appropriate, and appoint one of the faculty members as chair. The committee appointments shall include at least one faculty member from the academic discipline area that is the same as or similar to that for which the grade dispute has arisen. The committee will hold a hearing as follows:

     (i)   All materials from the student, instructor, Program Director/Department Chair, Dean, and Provost’s Office related to the appeal will be provided to the Grade Appeal Committee;

     (ii)   The chair of the Grade Appeal Committee will arrange a hearing at a time mutually agreeable to the members of the Grade Appeal Committee, the student, the instructor, and any other individuals that the committee may request to be present. The Provost’s Office will endeavor to convene the hearing within 10 business days of the date that an agreeable resolution was not reached as specified above, subject to extenuating circumstances, including, without limitation, class schedules, school-related travel schedules (such as athletics events or conferences), summer break, and other official calendar breaks in the academic year;

     (iii)   The hearing will be held in person on campus if reasonably possible; however, the hearing may be held via video-conferencing if all parties cannot reasonably be physically present;

     (iv)   If the student does not attend the hearing without giving at least one business day’s notice to the chair of the Grade Appeal Committee, the hearing will be cancelled, the matter will be closed, and the original grade assigned by the instructor will be deemed final and effective immediately;

     (v)   At this hearing, the student will present his or her appeal in the presence of the instructor who assigned the grade. The student will be allowed to have a silent support person with him or her during the hearing. The support person will not provide advice and may not be an attorney or family member;

     (vi)   The instructor who assigned the grade will present his or her position in the presence of the student;

     (vii)   Following each initial presentation, at least one rebuttal or final comments from both the student and instructor will be permitted;

     (viii)   The Grade Appeal Committee may ask questions of the student and/or the instructor, and may request testimony from any other individuals invited by the committee and present at the hearing;

     (ix)   The Grade Appeal Committee will then dismiss both the student and instructor and any other hearing attendees, and deliberate on the evidence presented. The committee may seek specialized assistance from subject matter experts (other than the instructor involved) to assist in making a grade determination;

     (x)   The hearing may be transcribed by the Grade Appeal Committee. A student will not have the right to review or receive a copy of any minutes or notes from the hearing;

     (xi)   The Grade Appeal Committee’s decision regarding the grade will be made by majority vote in private session, by committee members present during the hearing, based on a preponderance of the evidence;

     (xii)   The Grade Appeal Committee decision will be final and effective immediately; and

     (xiii)  Within three business days of the hearing, subject to extenuating circumstances (including, without limitation, summer break or other calendar breaks in the academic year), the Grade Appeal Committee’s decision will be reported in writing by the chair of the Committee to both the student and instructor.

Academic Freedom Grievance and Complaint Process

Each member of the faculty is free to pursue and teach truth in his or her respective field of learning. In addition to the right of each teacher in the classroom to present his or her discipline in the manner deemed best, the faculty is given the opportunity to discuss any problems of a personal, philosophical, or academic nature. A faculty member’s exercise of academic freedom may not, however, violate specific religious tenets held by the university or undermine the basic purposes of the institution. If a student believes that a faculty member’s expression of academic freedom has violated the university’s religious tenets or undermined the basic purposes of the institution, the student must follow the following procedure:

1.     The student must begin by following the student grievance and complaint process set forth above.

2.     If the concern is not resolved through the student grievance and complaint process prior to an appeal of the final determination, the student should submit a letter to the Provost describing the circumstances surrounding his or her challenge to the faculty member’s expression of academic freedom. The Provost will send a copy of the letter to the appropriate faculty member, department chair and/or program director, and college dean.

3.     The Provost (or his or her designee) will meet with the faculty member and student to discuss the situation.  Based on these conversations, the Provost (or his or her designee), in consultation with the appropriate college dean and the President, will determine if the faculty member’s expression of academic freedom has violated religious tenets held by the university or has undermined the basic purposes of the institution.

4.     In the event that the Provost (or his or her designee) determines that the faculty member is not in violation, such determination will be final and effective immediately, and the grievance and complaint will be considered closed. A copy of the final decision will be included in the faculty member’s file.

5.     In the event that the Provost (or his or her designee) determines that the faculty member is in violation, the faculty member may choose to appeal the decision by following the Grievances and Appeal process outlined in the Faculty Handbook.

6.     The final decision will be communicated to all involved parties.

International Students

Individuals are considered international students if they:

  1. Are not a United States citizen; or

  2. Do not have permanent resident status.

Applicants with permanent resident status do not have to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language exam, but will need to use a transcript evaluation service if any undergraduate work was taken outside the United States.

  1. Financial aid opportunities are extremely limited.

  2. For Lipscomb to provide a student visa, international student applicants must supply proof of financial status (enough savings to pay for at least one year’s tuition and living costs). Lipscomb requires that the first semester’s tuition and fees be paid in advance. Lipscomb also requires proof of health insurance coverage.

  3. International students are required to be proficient in written and oral English before enrolling. International students whose native language is not English must present the results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language OR the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam OR Duolingo with the application. Preferred Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores are in the 75th percentile rank (approximately 570 on the paper-based test, or 80 on the iBT). An IELTS exam with an overall band score of 6.5 is the minimal accepted for admittance. The minimum Duolingo score of 105 will also satisfy the English language proficiency requirement for admittance.

  4. International students must make application at least six months prior to the desired date of entrance with a non-refundable international student application fee of $50.

  5. All applicants are required to submit an official transcript. This transcript may be included with the course by course transcript evaluation; however, if not included an official transcript should be submitted separately.

  6. All applicants whose academic records are from colleges, universities, and institutes located outside the United States must order a course-by-course report from an approved evaluation service. Application for admission will not be considered without having this detailed review on file. All applicants are required to order a course-by-course report.

The services that Lipscomb University uses are:

World Education Services (WES)
P.O. Box 01-5060
Miami, FL 3310104
tel: 305.358.6688
website: www.wes.org

Lisano International
Foreign International Credential Evaluation
P.O. Box 407
Auburn, AL 36831-0407 U.S.A.
Fax: 334.745.0425
website: www.lisano-INTL.com


Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE)
101 W. Pleasant St., Suite 200
Milwaukee, WI 53212-3963


Official copies of satisfactory standardized test scores on TOEFL, IELTS, and the GMAT, GRE (or acceptable alternative), must be submitted six months in advance.

NOTE: Graduate credit will not be granted to students who do not comply with the above requirements. Admission to graduate study does not imply admission to candidacy for the degree.

For more information, contact the Graduate Admissions Office at email: gradadmissions@lipscomb.edu, or visit www.lipscomb.edu/graduate-admissions/international-students.