Mar 06, 2025  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Governance Information

Graduate Governance

The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs oversees Lipscomb’s graduate education experience. The graduate leadership team, chaired by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, manages policies and procedures relating to graduate programs.

Proposed changes by the graduate leadership team are subject to review for approval or disapproval by the Academic Leadership Team (ALT) and by the Provost. The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs is a member of the university’s Academic Leadership Team (ALT). All curricular changes to graduate programs (including new graduate programming) are approved by the Academic Curriculum Team (ACT) following approval by appropriate graduate faculties and colleges. The Vice Provost for Academic Affairs chairs the ACT. 

Approved curriculum changes are presented in a summary format to ALT.

The day-to-day operations of graduate programs are administered by their respective program directors. Their responsibilities include, but are not limited to, reviewing course content and evaluation procedures, maintaining graduate level work in all classes, monitoring student admission to the program, supervising and aiding student progress through the program and completing all routine reports.

Intellectual Property Policy

The intellectual property policy, which can be found on Lipscomb’s website, exists to encourage research and innovation, clarify ownership of intellectual property rights, create opportunities for public use of the university innovations and provide for the equitable distribution of monetary and other benefits derived from intellectual property. The Office of General Counsel oversees the implementation of procedures for intellectual property. Please contact the General Counsel with any intellectual property issues.

Community Accountability - Whistleblower Policy

Lipscomb University is committed to providing all members of the university community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, vendors and guests, with a safe and productive environment. If any member of the university community has reason to believe or reasonably suspect that the university or any of its agents is acting contrary to any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, or contrary to any established university policy, that person may report such action or activity without fear of reprisal or retaliation. Information regarding this policy is available on the myLipscomb website or through the Office of General Counsel.

Graduate Student Handbook

The graduate student handbook contains information regarding general academic policies, student conduct policies and policies that apply to the graduate student community at Lipscomb. The handbook can be accessed on the Lipscomb website.

Graduate Admission Approval Process

Admission to an accredited master’s degree program requires that the prospective student show educational preparation that evidences the potential for a high level of performance. The admissions policy of Lipscomb University is aimed toward evaluating the readiness of the applicant for responsible graduate level work.

Admission decisions will be made in each graduate area based upon a composite of subjective and quantitative information. Each applicant’s individual strengths and weaknesses are considered. Admission decisions are based on a combination of factors that may include the candidate’s essay and letters of recommendation, the academic standing of other academic programs in which the applicant has studied, relevant professional activities and achievements, test scores, previous grades, extracurricular and community activities, and the recommendation of the faculty in the area in which the applicant is seeking admission. Each application will be considered in the context of other applicants to the same area, with due consideration to the availability of space in the program and the need to maintain a pool of students of superior potential. Critical evaluations of each applicant’s professional goals, academic potential and promise for a productive career are made in order to bring together the candidates most likely to benefit from the Lipscomb graduate experience.

Each applicant’s complete file is evaluated by representatives from the applicant’s program of interest. The appropriate graduate program director may assume this responsibility when an applicant has satisfactorily met all conditions for admission. Each graduate area will make the determination to grant or deny admission to the applicant and will be responsible for specifying any prerequisite courses the applicant must complete in order to be granted full admission and/or to make recommendations concerning needs of the applicant in specific areas of curriculum selection.

Non-Discriminatory Policy

Lipscomb University is a private, Christian university open to any qualified student without regard to race, religion, sex, age, color, national or ethnic origin, or disability. The university shall comply with all applicable federal and state nondiscrimination laws, and shall not engage in prohibited discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, age, color, national or ethnic origin, or disability in the administration of its educational policies, programs and activities, including without limitation, admissions policies, scholarships and loan programs, employment practices, and athletic and other school administered programs. As a religiously controlled institution of higher education, Lipscomb University is exempt from compliance with some provisions of certain civil rights laws.

Required Documentation for Off-Site Learning Experiences

Off-site learning experiences (e.g., clinical, practicum, internship) are required in some courses of study at Lipscomb. Successful completion of these experiential courses is required for graduation and/ or licensure. Students should be aware that many experiential sites require satisfactory documentation of personal identification in the form of driver’s licenses, social security cards, passports, drug screening and background checks. Students should make sure that they are aware of and can meet all documentation requirements well in advance of the time frame for admission into the respective program and placement into these sites. Failure to provide required documentation for successful entry into these experiential courses will result in failure to complete the desired program of study.

Email Accounts

All graduate students are issued a Lipscomb email account. That email must be checked regularly for campus information, class announcements, etc. The Lipscomb email account serves as the official means of electronic communication with students. Students are expected to monitor and regularly check this account for messages. The student may forward the Lipscomb account to an account that he or she checks daily.


Every graduate student who parks on campus must register his or her vehicle and have a Lipscomb parking sticker.

ID Cards

All graduate students must have a Lipscomb ID card. Students taking any course work on campus, who do not have an ID made, will be placed on hold and not allowed to register for the next term.

NOTE: Students seeking to enroll in the Doctor of Pharmacy program should consult those portions of the catalog for specifics related to that program.