Feb 08, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Communication Courses

  • CO 3613 - News Reporting (3) F

    Fundamentals of reporting and writing the basic news story are emphasized. Assignments include reporting, writing and producing news for Lipscomb Lumination Network and its online, radio, print and television properties.

    Prerequisite: CO 1014 .
  • CO 3623 - Advanced Reporting (3) SP

    Advanced course in reporting, writing and producing the news for print, broadcast and online media. Covers multi-media approaches including visual storytelling and reporting with photos and video. Includes editing of news stories and philosophy and practice of editing a newspaper, news program, or online news service.

    Prerequisite: CO 1014 , CO 3613 .
  • CO 3633 - Digital Audio Storytelling (3) SP

    Basics of creating compelling audio content for traditional radio and podcasting using digital audio workstation software.

  • CO 3643 - Video Production and Documentary Production (3) F

    Basics of video production with a focus on television programming in studio and in the field. Students will apply pre-production, production and post-production techniques in class and individual projects.

    Prerequisite: CO 1014 .
    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.
  • CO 3653 - Media and Culture (3) F

    This course examines the interaction between media and culture, exploring effects, theory, current events and history.

  • CO 3703 - Introduction to Public Relations (3) F

    A study of the public relations field including job responsibilities, ethics, research, use of traditional and new media, and planning public relations programs.

    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.
  • CO 3723 - Public Relations Writing (3) SP

    Practical experience in writing across media and using new and emerging technologies to reach audiences with well-developed messages in news releases, public-service announcements, advertising copy, collateral information pieces, newsletters and house publications.

    Prerequisites: LU 1203 , EN 1313  and CO 3703 .
    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.
  • CO 3733 - Cases and Campaigns (3) F

    Advanced application of research, planning, implementation, development, execution and evaluation of public relations case studies and campaigns. Students will examine strategic public relations campaigns from various industries and analyze case studies that show how organizations apply communication to
    solve challenging problems and take advantage of opportunities. Course may also include PRSSA case study competitions.

    Prerequisite: CO 3703 
  • CO 3793 - Television Newscast (3) F, SP

    The basics of in-studio and field/live field news reporting and production for television, radio and online distribution. Students produce the weekly newscast for the Lumination Network.

    Prerequisites:CO 1014  and CO 3613  
  • CO 3911 - Practicum in Journalism and New Media (1) F, SP (Taken twice)

    Writing/reporting or other staff duties for the Lumination Network. Minimum of four hours per week. Open to majors and non-majors. Permission from instructor required.

  • CO 3941 - Practicum in Public Relations (1) F, SP (Taken twice)

    Participation in the campus chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America.


    Permission of instructor required.

  • CO 3951 - Practicum in Event Planning (1) F, SP (Taken twice)

    Working with Lipscomb University’s Events Planning office. Permission from instructor required.

    Prerequisite:  CO 2213  Event Planning
  • CO 3962 - Practicum in Advertising (2)

    This practicum is an academically supervised experiential learning activity that entails working with an organized co-curricular or student activity organization. It is designed to give students supervised practical application of a previously or concurrently studied theory or professional content.

    Prerequisite: CO 2013  
  • CO 3993 - Communication Travel (3)

    A study tour providing experiential analysis of communication applications in selected areas. Preparation work includes reading in the specific area. A major paper is required.

    Prerequisites: junior or senior standing with the minimum GPA of 3.0.
  • CO 4013 - Internship in Public Relations (3) F, SP, SU

    Prerequisite: Proposals for internships must be submitted to and approved by the academic chair.
  • CO 4023 - Internship in Journalism and New Media (3) F, SP, SU

    Prerequisite: Proposals for internships must be submitted to and approved by academic chair.
  • CO 4053 - Media Management (3) Offered on Demand

    An analysis of the different types of media programming, their audiences, and how to design and market programming to those audiences.

    Prerequisites: CO 1014 , CO 2144 .
  • CO 4063 - Audience Analysis (3) F

    This course will explore research across media, from public opinion analysis to reputation management to audience ratings.

    Prerequisites: CO 1014 , CO 2144 .
  • CO 4073 - Internship in Event Planning (3) F, SP, SU

    Working at least 195 hours off-campus in event planning, tourism, hospitality, or a related field. Proposals for internships must be submitted to and approved by the academic chair.

    Prerequisite:  CO 2213  Event Planning
  • CO 4083 - Internship in Advertising (3) F, SP, SU

    This course will be an experiential learning opportunity, provided by partnerships with external institutions and clients to give students practical experiences in the advertising professional field by working on-site in an advertising-related internship/working context.

    Prerequisites:  CO 2013  and CO 3962  
  • CO 4113 - Data and Interactive Journalism (3) SP

    Students will gain the skills necessary to create interactive stories driven by data. This course will focus on the combination of sorting and interpreting data, building of intermediate web coding skills, and interactive story development.

    Prerequisite or Corequisite:  CO 3113  
  • CO 4123 - Advertising Account Planning, Strategy and Campaigns (3)

    This course fosters and hones critical thinking skills related to the strategic planning, executing, and evaluation of advertising. The course accomplishes these goals through instruction on the proper construction of a creative brief. The creative brief entails one’s objectives in advertising, target selection, consumer insight, brand positioning, execution, and evaluation. At each stage, questions faced by brand managers, advertisers, and marketers are examined. Both classic and contemporary advertising executions are used to illustrate key concepts. Assignments focus on skills sets used by brand managers to develop ad campaigns.

    Prerequisites: CO 2013  and EC 2413  

    *EC 2413 Principles of Microeconomics will be a prerequisite for this class. Students can take EC 2413 as their social science class; their integrated coursework can come from LUMS, LULT or LUHI.


  • CO 4213 - Sports Reporting (3) SP

    Instruction and experience in researching and writing sports stories, including game coverage, sports news, and feature stories across media.

    Prerequisite: CO 1014  
  • CO 4813 - Great Ideas: Journalism and New Media (3) SP

    Portfolio-based final course with final project focused on both the student’s major and/or concentration issues and trends.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing.
    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.
  • CO 4833 - Great Ideas: Public Relations (3) SP

    Portfolio-based final course with final project focused on both the student’s major and/or concentration issues and trends.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing.
    This course may satisfy the SALT Tier II requirement.
  • CO 4843 - Great Ideas in Advertising (3) SP

    Portfolio-based final course with final project focused on both the student’s major and/or concentration issues and trends.

    Prerequisite:  Senior standing.
  • CO 4903 - Externship in Advertising (3)

    Externs will carry out assigned tasks under professional supervision in the field; a log of activities and evaluation report is required

    Prerequisite:  CO 3962  

Special Topics/Independent Research in Communication Courses

  • CO 469V - Special Topics (1-3)

    An in-depth study of a particular topic not normally covered or only briefly surveyed in the regular course offerings. Topics will be announced in the semester schedule and can be chosen to fill requirements in department concentrations.

  • CO 498V - Independent Study in Communication and Journalism (1, 2, 3) F, SP, SU

    A course designed to provide the student with a major or minor from the department the opportunity to pursue independent study or research. Proposals for independent studies must be developed with a faculty member and approved by the department chair.

Competencies Courses

  • CORE 429V - Advanced Problem Solving & Decision Making

    Effective performers are recognized for cross-organization analytical skills, mentor and empower others, proactively consider cross-team impacts, consider outcomes and facilitate functional decision-making sessions.

Computer Science Courses

  • CS 1013 - Scripting I (3)

    An introduction to the basics of scripting using a high-level scripting language as a
    problem-solving tool. Implementation of basic input and output, basic arithmetic, and one
    form of repetition statement.

    MA1030, with a grade of C or better
  • CS 1041 - Computer Applications - Math/Science (1) F, SP

    Use of computer software for mathematical and scientific applications. Problem solving with application software including graphical representation of solutions and data, equation editing, symbolic mathematics, statistical software, scientific internet resources, images and animation.

    Laboratory, 2 hours.
  • CS 1122 - Introduction to Computer Science (2) F, SP

    Survey of topics in computer science. Appreciating computer science as a discipline, with light introductions to object-oriented paradigms. Topics include introduction to and appreciation of problem solving, programming languages and their translators, software engineering, computer architecture, operating systems, networks, algorithms, social and ethical issues, and artificial intelligence.

  • CS 1213 - Introduction to Computer Programming (3) F, SP

    Problem analysis and the development of algorithms and computer programs in a modern high-level language. Introduces the use of a high-level object-oriented programming language as a problem-solving tool, including basic data structures and algorithms, object-oriented programming techniques and software documentation.

    Prerequisites: MA 1030  or higher.
  • CS 1233 - Object-Oriented System Design and Programming (3) F, SP

    Introduces more advanced elements of object-oriented programming, including dynamic data structures, recursion, searching and sorting, and advanced object-oriented techniques.

    Prerequisite: CS 1213  with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • CS 2223 - Mathematical Structures for Computer Science 3 F, SP

    Introduction to logic, propositional equivalences, predicates and quantifiers, methods of proof, mathematical induction, recursive definition and algorithms, program correctness, representing relations, closures of relations, equivalence relations, partial orderings, Boolean matrices, invertible matrices, systems of linear equations, permutations and combinations, sequences and recurrence relations, graph terminology and representation, connectivity, Euler and Hamiltonian paths, shortest path algorithms, introduction and applications of trees, tree traversal algorithms, spanning trees, minimum spanning trees. The course also incorporates a significant programming component.

    Prerequisite: MA 1314   with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • CS 2233 - Data Structures and Algorithms (3) F, SP

    Implementation and application of fundamental data structures and computing algorithms used in computer science, including searching and sorting; elementary abstract data types including linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs. Particular emphasis is given to the use of object-oriented design and data abstraction in the creation and application of these data structures. Some elementary algorithm analysis is also covered.

    Prerequisites: CS 2223   or  (CS 1233  and MA 2103  ) with grades of  “C” or higher.
  • CS 2243 - Database Management Systems (3) F, SP

    Introduction to database concepts and the relational database model. Topics include SQL, normalization, design methodology, DBMS functions, database administration, and other database management approaches such as client/server databases, object oriented databases, and data warehouses. Strong emphasis on database system design and application development.

    Prerequisite: CS 1233  with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • CS 2252 - Competition Programming (2) SP

    Introduction to an interesting variety of subjects in programming, algorithms, and discrete mathematics through puzzles and problems which have appeared in the International ACM Programming Contest and similar venues. Skills required for programming contests, which include evaluation of problem difficulty, solving problems in teams, and working under time pressure. Implementation of algorithms will be done in an object-oriented programming language such as C++ or Java. It is expected that the best students from this course will represent Lipscomb at the regional ACM Programming Competition and possibly at the international ACM Competition.

    Prerequisite: CS 2233  with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • CS 2323 - Computer Organization (3) F, SP

    Introduction to computer organization with emphasis on the lower level abstraction of a computer system including digital logic, instruction set and assembly language programming. Topics include data representation, logic gates, simplification of logical expressions, design and analysis of simple combinational circuit such as decoders and multiplexers, flip-flops and registers, design, and analysis of simply synchronous sequential circuit, random-access and read-only memories, instruction set architecture and programming in assembly language.

    Prerequisites: CS 1233  with grades of “C” or higher and MA 2103  or CS 2223  with grades of “C” or higher.
  • CS 3233 - Computer Graphics (3) F

    Design and implementation of object-oriented graphical user interfaces (GUI) and two-dimensional computer graphics systems. Implementation methodologies including callbacks, handlers, event listeners, design patterns, layout managers, and architectural models. Mathematical foundations of computer graphics applied to fundamental algorithms for clipping, scan conversion, affine and convex linear transformations, projections, viewing, structuring, and modeling.

    Prerequisites: CS 2233  and MA 3213  with grades of “C” or higher.
  • CS 3243 - Mobile Device Programming (3) SP

    Introduction to programming for the mobile devices (such as Apple iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android) using Software Development Kits (SDKs). Mobile application development will focus on object-oriented programming appropriate to mobile devices. Insight into current common procedures for getting mobile application work academically published.

    Prerequisites: CS 2243  and IT 3313  with grades of “C” or higher.
  • CS 3252 - Programming Challenges (2) F

    Development and implementation of advanced algorithms, as well as the skills required for programming competitions. The student will learn to select appropriate algorithms for a given problem, integrate multiple algorithms for solving a complex problem, design new algorithms, and implement them in C++ or Java.

    Prerequisite: CS 2252  with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • CS 3333 - Mobile and Distributed Computing Systems (3) F

    Architectures of mobile and distributed computing systems, mobile and distributed operating systems, middleware, SOA and distributed services, network infrastructure for mobile and distributed computing systems.

    Prerequisites: CS 2233 , CS 2243  and IT 3323  with grades of “C” or higher.
  • CS 3433 - Numerical Methods (3) SP

    Finding roots of equations, error analysis, simultaneous linear equations, numerical integration, least squares approximations, and numerical solutions for ordinary differential equations.

    Prerequisite:  CS 2233   and (MA 2183  or MA 2314  or  MA 3213  )with grades of “C” or higher.
  • CS 3523 - Operating Systems (3) SP

    Introduction to operating system concepts including system organization for uniprocessors and multiprocessors, scheduling algorithms, process management, deadlocks, paging and segmentation, files, and protection, and process coordination and communication.

    Prerequisites: CS 2233  and CS 2323  with grades of “C” or higher.
  • CS 3623 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3) F

    Study of the techniques for designing algorithms and for analyzing the time and space efficiency of algorithms. The algorithm design techniques include divide-and-conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, randomized algorithms and parallel algorithms. The algorithm analysis includes computational models, best/average/worst case analysis and computational complexity (including lower bounds and NP-completeness).

    Prerequisites: CS 2233  and (MA 2903  or CS 2223 ) with grades of “C” or higher.
  • CS 3713 - Comparative Programming Languages (3) SP

    Discussion of the important issues in the specification, design and implementation of programming languages with emphasis on imperative programming. Emphasis is on evaluating alternative ways of providing various symbols, abstractions, definitions, theorems, proofs, programming language features and trade-offs involved. Topics include syntactic specification, data types, and the like, abstraction mechanisms, sequence control, data control, storage management, functional programming and about its capabilities and limitations, universal models introduction to programming verification. Several languages are used to illustrate these programming language concepts.

    Prerequisite: CS 2233  with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • CS 4013 - Future Mobile and Social Computing Systems (3) SP

    Research and development (R&D) or project-based course to build futuristic proof-of-concept online social and mobile computing system prototypes.

    Prerequisite: CS 3243  with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • CS 4103 - Parallel and Distributed Computing 3

    Overview of methods for programming and computing in parallel and distributed environments using open standards with various architectures, such as multi-core CPU and GPU; compiler and code optimizations and methods for divide-and-conquer using contemporary languages and interfaces, such as OpenMP, OpenMPI, and OpenCL; technical design and concepts of distributed computing systems and architectures; and, methods on local and national high-performance computing resources will be included as permitted and or available.

    CS 3523  with grades of  “C” or higher
  • CS 4223 - Compiler Construction (3) F

    Study of the theory and design techniques used in compiler construction, including lexical analysis, parsing, grammars, semantic analysis, code generation and optimization. Each student will implement a subset of a compiler.

    Prerequisites: CS 2323  and CS 3623  with grades of “C” or higher.
  • CS 4413 - Fundamentals of Automata and Formal Language Theory (3) SP

    Introduction to fundamental concepts of automata theory and formal languages including finite automata, regular expressions, formal language theory and pushdown automata.

    Prerequisite: CS 3623  or  CS 3713  with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • CS 4423 - Computability and Complexity Theory (3) SP

    Rigorous introduction to theoretical foundations of computer science, addressing a number of interrelated topics and formally defining a computer, an algorithm and what is computable. Close reading of important theorems and proofs. Significant use of mathematical lemmas, corollaries, logical reasoning, inductive proofs, are used to introduce how to reason precisely about computation and prove mathematical theorems of computation such as Turing machines, undecidability, and computational complexity.

    Prerequisites: CS 2233  and CS 3623  with grades of “C” or higher.
  • CS 4433 - Algorithmic Graph Theory (3) F

    The elements of the theory of graphs and directed graphs with motivating examples from communication networks, data structures, etc., shortest paths, depth first search, matching algorithms, parallel algorithms, minimum spanning trees, basic complexity theory, planarity, and other topics. Programming assignments are included.

    Prerequisite: CS 3623  with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • CS 4443 - Database Theory and Applications (3) SP

    Introduction to the theory, methods, and techniques widely used today to design, build, and implement modern database systems. Emphasis is on the relational data model, with topics including relational algebra, SQL, entity-relationship model, normalization, design algorithms, query processing, transaction processing, and object-oriented databases.

    Prerequisites: CS 2233 , CS 2243  and MA 2903  or MA 2103  or CS 2223 ) with grades of “C” or higher.
  • CS 4453 - Artificial Intelligence (3) SP

    An exploration of concepts, approaches and techniques of artificial intelligence: specification, design, and implementation of selected applications of intelligent software agents and multi-agent systems. Computational models of intelligent behavior, including problem solving, knowledge representation, reasoning, planning, decision making, learning, perception, action, communication and interaction. Reactive, deliberative, rational, adaptive, learning and communicative agents and multi-agent systems.

    Prerequisites:( CS 3623   or CS 3252  ) and ( MA 2183   or MA 3123  ) and MA 3213  with grades of “C” or higher.
  • GD 3253 - Game Development I (3) SP

    Introduction to the design and implementation of computer games, including real-time graphics, audio and interactive multimedia programming techniques.

    Prerequisite: CS 2233  with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • GD 3263 - Game Development II (3) F

    Advanced game programming techniques, including 3D graphics, 3D audio, game physics and networking for multi-player games.

    Prerequisite: GD 3253  with a grade of “C” or higher.
  • GD 3273 - Collaborative Serious Games Development (3) SP

    Advanced team-based game development on applications of interactive technology for video game domains such as education, health, training, analytics, visualization, simulation and therapy.

    Prerequisite: GD 3263  with a grade of “C” or higher.

Special Topics/Independent Research in Computer Science Courses

  • CS 350V - Special Topics in Computer Science (1-3) Offered on demand

    Selected topics from the field of computer science. The course may be either lecture or laboratory oriented depending upon the topic selected. The study represents an in-depth approach to specific areas of interest to the students.

    Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.
    Repeatable for credit with director’s approval.

Commercial Music Courses

  • CMU 1013 - Introduction to the Music Industry (3) S

    A survey course in the fundamentals of the commercial music business, including vocation/job survey, corporate music business practice, common income streams, PROs, licensing, communication, career strategies, major label business, artist development, and project management.

  • CMU 1023 - Introduction to Audio Production 3 S

    An introduction to the basics of digital audio production, this course examines the roles of musician, vocalist, producer and engineer in the creation of audio. The student learns the digital workstation environment of Pro Tools and Logic, including MIDI, samples, softsynths, plugins and outboard gear.

    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in CMU 1102  
  • CMU 1102 - Introduction to Audio Technology (2) F

    For music students with little or no experience in live performance, recording or computer technologies. Basic computer skills, DAW recording principles, MIDI sequencing, basic signal flow and processing (both analog and digital), and familiarity with microphones, cabling, mixers, amplification and speakers are included in the course of study. Minimum grade of “C” is required to proceed to CMU 1023  (Digital Audio Production). 

  • CMU 2003 - Introduction to Songwriting 3

    This introduction to the craft of songwriting challenges non-majors in the areas of lyrics, form, and harmonic interest. Open to student in all majors, music theory knowledge is not required, but the student must be able to play piano or guitar accompaniments.

  • CMU 2013 - Music Entrepreneurship (3) F

    Designed to create competitive music entrepreneurs, focused on life and music-making entrepreneurial skills. Class sessions are split between micro-lecture, case studies of Nashville-centric music entrepreneurs and beyond, and the creation of real-time entrepreneurial student projects. Students are required to cultivate exceptional computer and office skills with mastery in two or more music industry related software platforms (e.g. InDesign, ProTools, Logic, Final Cut Pro, Word). Application of content will be made to both Songwriting and Music Production majors.

    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in CMU 1013  .
  • CMU 2023 - Music Production I (3) F

    Focused on the twin emphases of classic Nashville-centric record production and current digital music production and engineering. This is an immersive course, involving hands-on study and work with Nashville producers, engineers, and session musicians. Students will receive instruction in the fundamentals of sound, production trends, recording/engineering methodologies, basic and complex signal flow, critical/analytical listening, acoustics, basic audio and engineering principles, digital multi-track recording, general and advanced production and engineering techniques, MIDI, sample library and software survey and use, analog and digital equipment survey and use, musical instrument history and use, cabling, console and patch-bay routing, music production for film and creative media, mixing, remixing, mastering, and working knowledge of both Pro Tools and Logic production platforms. Minimum grade of “C” required to moved forward to CMU 2033  (Production II)

    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in CMU 1023 .
  • CMU 2033 - Music Production II (3) S

    Builds on the work of Production I, encouraging the development of skill and ability, as well as a flexible, entrepreneurial approach to the diversity of music production work common to the music business in Nashville and beyond. Minimum grade of “C” required to move forward to CMU 3013  .

    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in CMU 2023  (Music Production I)
  • CMU 2043 - Songwriting I (3) F

    A year-long, immersive course, involving hands-on study and work with Nashville songwriters, music publishers, producers, and session musicians on campus and in studios throughout Music City. The course focuses on the twin emphasis of classic Nashville-centric solo and collaborative songwriting history and technique, and current digital music production songwriting methods. The second semester builds upon the previous encouraging the development of skill and ability, as well as a flexible, entrepreneurial approach to the songwriting and composition work common to the music business in Nashville and beyond. Minimum grade of “C” required to move forward into CMU 2053  .

  • CMU 2053 - Songwriting II (3) S

    A year-long, immersive course, involving hands-on study and work with Nashville songwriters, music publishers, producers, and session musicians on campus and in studios throughout Music City. The course focuses on the twin emphasis of classic Nashville-centric solo and collaborative songwriting history and technique, and current digital music production songwriting methods. The second semester builds upon the previous encouraging the development of skill and ability, as well as a flexible, entrepreneurial approach to the songwriting and composition work common to the music business in Nashville and beyond. Minimum grade of “C” required to move forward into CMU 2063  .

    Prerequisite: Minimum grades of “C” in CMU 2043  (Songwriting I) and MU 1143  (Theory II).
  • CMU 2063 - Lyric Writing Lab (3) F

    A hands-on, advanced course focused specifically on the art of lyric writing. Students will study specific exceptional lyrics from writers past and present (including Nashville greats), as well as the form, function, and analysis of lyrics in general. Students will write lyrics alone and in collaboration with others. The course reveals common techniques and structures and promotes the development of a literate, imaginative mind. Minimum grade of “C” required to move forward into CMU 4023  .

    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in CMU 2053 .
  • CMU 2082 - Identity and Artistry (2) F

    An exploration of core issues encountered by artists in the pursuit of their craft. Class sessions and assignments include readings, journal, and hearing the stories of other artists, with emphasis on practical skills for living the creative life and understanding one’s own core identity.

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
  • CMU 3000 - Upper Division Hearing 0

    At the end of the student’s fourth semester, a faculty panel interviews the student and reviews the developing songwriting or production portfolio to confirm potential for success in the chosen major and readiness for upper level study.

  • CMU 3013 - Pro Tools Mix Techniques (3) F

    An introduction to the art and science of mixing digital audio in Pro Tools from multi-track source material to two-track stereo master. Students learn critical listening, signal flow, mix prep  protocols, editing, balancing, gain optimization, sub-grouping, frequency analysis, equalization, compression/limiting, effects and general sonic manipulation and treatment of source material in the assembly of a mix. Minimum grade of “C” required to move forward into CMU 4013  .

    A minimum grade of “C” in CMU 2033  (Music Production II)
  • CMU 3023 - History of Popular Music (3) S

    A Nashville-centric and globally-informed overview of the history of popular music. The course explores varied roles, techniques, philosophies, and achievements of songwriters and musicians throughout recent popular music history. It is popular artist and recording focused, with a secondary emphasis on the historical business relationship between artists and music publishers/A&R staff. The course is an invitation to students to appreciate songwriting’s past and imagine themselves in its future. 

  • CMU 3033 - Studio Arranging and Improvisation (3) S

    A course focused on audio production, including the art of arranging for a Nashville-centric studio tracking session with musicians, and within the producer/programmer digital workspace of Pro Tools and Logic. Course content includes immersion in melodic, harmonic, rhythmic, and soundscape studies, frequency analysis and function of instrumentation, the art of improvising, and history and contemporary trends in arranging. Students must have approved competency in DAW editing and programming, music notation by hand, chord voicings and names, and the Nashville number system of chord designation. Application of content will be made to both Songwriter and Music Production majors.

  • CMU 3042 - Catalog & Portfolio I (2) F

    Year one of Catalog & Portfolio, designed to instruct 3rd year students in the creation of a competitive song catalog and/or music production portfolio. Students will imagine and create a catalog/portfolio drawing upon their ever-expanding songwriting and audio production technique and skill. Instruction will be given on imaging and marketing strategies for presenting the songwriter/producer’s work to potential artists, music publishers, and Ad/Film & TV music supervisors. The course teaches the student to manage a song catalog, both in physical form and as an online catalog, and involves classroom and studio participation, as well as self-directed production and songwriting. Minimum grade of “C” required to move forward into CMU 3052 .

    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in CMU 2033   or CMU 2053  
  • CMU 3052 - Catalog & Portfolio II (2) SP

    Year one of Catalog & Portfolio, designed to instruct 3rd year students in the creation of a competitive song catalog and/or music production portfolio. Students will imagine and create a catalog/portfolio drawing upon their ever-expanding songwriting and audio production technique and skill. Instruction will be given on imaging and marketing strategies for presenting the songwriter/producer’s work to potential artists, music publishers, and Ad/Film & TV music supervisors. The course teaches the student to manage a song catalog, both in physical form and as an online catalog, and involves classroom and studio participation, as well as self-directed production and songwriting. Minimum grade of “C” required to move forward into CMU 4042  .

    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in CMU 3042  
  • CMU 3062 - Songwriting and Production for Digital media (2) S

    Focuses on developing the foundational songwriting, composing, and production skills needed in creating for digital media, film and television. Comprehensive in scope, the course surveys a wide variety of techniques and practices, styles, genres, and uses for commercial music in digital media, from web ads to episodic television. Students will write for specific digital media uses and trace the use from ideation to market. Uniquely, this course interacts with Film & Creative Media providing students with real-time projects to analyze and score.

  • CMU 4013 - Legendary Productions and Producers (3) F

    A survey of legendary productions and producers across multiple genres, including rock, country, and pop. This is step-wise instruction in the essential choices that make up history-making, legendary recordings. The course guides students through an in-depth analysis of the recording artist’s performances, how the producer and engineer captured those recordings, and how the recordings were enhanced through instrumentation and additional production and mix choices. Critical listening and the cultivation of analytical and naming skills are at the heart of this music production course.

    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in CMU 3013  
  • CMU 4023 - Legendary Songs and Songwriters (3) F

    This survey course looks at legendary songs and songwriters across multiple genres, including rock, country, and pop. This is step-wise instruction in analyzing the essential elements and choices that make up history-making, legendary songs. The development of critical listening skills, analytical skills, and learning to differentiate and name uniqueness are at the heart of this songwriting course.

    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in CMU 2063  
  • CMU 4033 - Business of Songwriting & Music Production (3) F

    Focuses on all things business related to songwriting and music production including contract structures and strategies, interaction with artists and publishers, record companies, and business affairs, as well as co-writer selection and project scheduling, budgeting, problem-solving, and knowledge of the various income streams related to songwriting and music production. Students will experience hands-on immersion in the entrepreneurial fundamentals of managing a musical career over a lifetime.

  • CMU 4042 - Catalog & Portfolio III (2) F

    Year two of Catalog & Portfolio, designed to instruct 4th year students in the creation of a competitive song catalog and/or music production portfolio. Students will imagine and create an advanced catalog/portfolio drawing upon their ever-expanding songwriting and audio production technique and skill. The course teaches the student to manage a song catalog, both in physical form and as an online catalog. Involves classroom and studio participation, as well as self-directed production and songwriting. Minimum grade of “C” required to move forward into  CMU 4052  .

    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in CMU 3052  
  • CMU 4052 - Catalog & Portfolio IV (2) SP, Year 2

    Year two of Catalog & Portfolio, designed to instruct 4th year students in the creation of a competitive song catalog and/or music production portfolio. Students will imagine and create an advanced catalog/portfolio drawing upon their ever-expanding songwriting and audio production technique and skill. The course teaches the student to manage a song catalog, both in physical form and as an online catalog. Involves classroom and studio participation, as well as self-directed production and songwriting.

    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of “C” in CMU 4042  

Computing and Technology Courses

  • CCT 1123 - Zen and Art of Computing (3)

    A study of modern computing technologies developed by computer, data and information scientists that keep the global digital information age moving forward. Topics include tools and artifacts of the digital citizen, appropriate uses of technology in society, and software to maximize your effectiveness as a student.

  • CCT 4013 - Computational Capstone 3-6 F, SP, SU

    Reading and study of contemporary topics and high-performance computing methods with coding problems using appropriate computer languages for numerical methods, such solutions for partial differential equations for theoretical problems of interests in each student’s respective computational sciences degree and domain of interest under the guidance and approval of the respective faculty and department; methods may also include standard problems such as eigenvalue and singular value decomposition, special matrices, and basis construction and orthogonalization for the students’ degree domain. This course is be offered on demand to all computational sciences students in accordance with departmental enrollment policies.

     Prerequisites: CS 3433 CS 4103 , and MA 3213 .

Special Topics/Independent Research in Computing and Technology Courses

  • CCT 395V - Internship (1-3) F, SP, SU

    Provides the opportunity for a student to gain experience with his/her computing major in a work setting. Credit is awarded according to the scale published by the Career Development Center.

    Prerequisites: junior standing and the permission of the undergraduate program director.
    Repeatable up to six hours.
  • CCT 401V - Independent Study (1-3) F, SP, SU

    Independent study research in a selected topic; title to be approved by the major professor and undergraduate program director; culminating research paper to be kept on file.

    Prerequisites: advanced standing, ability and the approval of undergraduate program director and faculty advisor.
    This course may satisfy SALT Tier II requirement.
    Repeatable for up to six hours.
  • CCT 405V - Senior Seminar (3) F, SP

    Assessment of degree to which computing and technology program outcomes have been achieved; reflection on, and synthesis of, computing and technology academic experience; preparation for transition to professional employment or graduate school.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing and 30 hours of Computer Sciences courses.

  • CCT 461V - Senior Project (3) F, SP

    Design and implementation of a suitable information or software system. Projects to be proposed by students and instructor; final scope of work and proposals subject by the instructor guidance and approval. Number of hours may vary if allowed by instructor and college.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing and (CS 2243  or IT 3233 ), and (IT 3413  or SENG 4023 ) all with grades of “C” or higher.

Data Science Courses

  • DS 1123 - Introduction to Data Science (3)

    Introduction to latest trends in informatics and analytics, including topics such as Big Data, predictive models, tools and technologies to support large scale analytics, research methods, decision modeling, and case studies.

    Lecture, 3 hours.
  • DS 2063 - Modern Computing Applications for Data Science (3)

    Introduction to modern data science applications such as SAS, JMP, Tableau, Enterprise Miner, Hadoop, and other enterprise level applications for data analysis, visualization, collection, and research.

  • DS 3123 - Information Ethics and Policy (3) F

    Framework for analyzing the ethical, legal, economic, and socio-political issues surrounding information, information technologies, and the information industries. Policy and ethical issues of information access and control including intellectual property, file sharing, free speech, privacy, and national security.

    Prerequisite: DS 1123   or  DS 2063  or IT 1123  .
  • DS 3213 - Principles of Data Science (3) F

    Principles of informatics and analytics including theories, concepts, and principles of information, information seeking, cognitive processing, knowledge representation and restructuring, and their relationship to physical and intellectual access to information. Development of information systems for storage, organization, and retrieval.

    Prerequisites: (CS 2243  or BA 3403 /Accounting majors) and (MA 2183  or MG 2013 /Accounting majors).
  • DS 3223 - Information Structures (3) SP

    Introduction to the concepts and structures used to analyze, store, manage, and present information and navigation. Topics include information analysis and organization methods, XML, and metadata concepts and application.

    Prerequisite or corequisite: DS 3213 .
  • DS 3323 - Principles of Statistical Analysis and Decision Modeling (3)

    Introduction to the research process investigating information needs, creation, organization, flow, retrieval and use. Stages include: research definition, questions, objectives, data collection and management, data analysis, and data interpretation. Techniques include: observation, interviews, questionnaires, and transaction-log analysis.

    Prerequisite: DS 3213  and MA 2183  .
  • DS 4003 - Decision Support Systems (3) SP

    This course allows students to explore the history, evolution and current applications of decision support. The course emphasizes the unique challenges of data representation and information retrieval techniques that are foundational to decision support systems. Students will evaluate the value of decision support systems in contrast with the complexities of implementation in the current medical, legal, financial, technological and cultural context.

    Prerequisite: Admittance to accelerated master’s degree in health care informatics.
  • DS 4013 - Information Systems Management (3) SP

    The role of Information Systems within the organization and how they can be used to make operations more efficient, save time and energy, will be discussed. In addition, the methods to use these strategically are evaluated. The use of critical thinking skills to explore methods of using information systems to increase productivity and, if necessary, as the competitive advantage will be a large component of this course.

    Prerequisite: Admittance to accelerated master’s degree in health care informatics.
  • DS 4103 - Introduction to Health Care Informatics (3) SP

    This course surveys the fundamental concepts and activities of informatics as applied to health care. Topics include computer-based medical records, electronic health record, knowledge-based systems, decision theory and decision support, e-Health, ARRA/ HITECH and Meaningful Use and the personal health record. Students will learn health care informatics history, informatics competencies, concepts, legal and ethical implications and applications within the health care industry. This course will introduce the student to the software development life cycle; human factors issues in health care informatics; critical issues affecting the development and implementation of information and communication systems and technologies, professional practice trends and explore some of the emerging information and communication technology in health care (CPOE, eMAR, barcode medication administration systems, e-Prescribing, etc.).

    Prerequisite: Admittance to accelerated master’s degree in health care informatics.
  • DS 4133 - Research Methods in Data Science (3) F

    Introduction to the research process investigating information needs, creation, organization, flow, retrieval and use. Stages include: research definition, questions, objectives, data collection and management, data analysis, and data interpretation. Techniques include: observation, interviews, questionnaires, and transaction-log analysis.

    Prerequisite: DS 3323  .
  • DS 4223 - Data Mining and Analysis (3) SP

    Computational techniques for analysis of large, complex datasets, covering fundamental aspects as well as modern data mining and analysis techniques.

    Prerequisite: DS 3223  and DS 3323  .

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